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Question: Humor in fantasy novels!?
What is humorous to you!? I know sometimes in novels I read things and laugh because once you get to know the character and their personality, anything can really be funny!. Even something simple like, "Yeah, I doubt it!." in a certain situation!.

Do you like simple humor like explained above (and if so, how do you know you are writing simple humor!?) or entended funny scenes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think I like both types and possibly, to be a truly funny novel, I would say a book needs a bit of both!. I know when I read Terry Pratchett novels I'm laughing the entire time, but his books are primarily written to be humorous and humor constitutes a generous amount of the plot!. If I'm reading a regular novel that's not intended to be humorous, a little comic relief is welcome every once in awhile and I'll definitely laugh at a few one-liners!. When I read something like The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde that combines these two techniques it's even better because it's humorous without losing any depth!.
And an easy way to introduce simple humor is with dialogue!. An easy way to tell if you are writing funny dialogue is if you think it's funny!!. Or try it out on somebody else - if they laugh, other people probably will, too!.
Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always prefer fiction that is well laced with humour, but fantasy novels are often short of it!. I prefer novels where the fantasy is 'realistic' enough to be exciting, but where there is humour in the dialogue and the situations, and the characters aren't too intense and earnest all the time!.

I particularly like the fantasy novels of Tanya Huff, they are always laced with humour but are very exciting as well!. The dialogue between her characters is often very funny even when they are discussing something serious, like a demon out to destroy the world or something!.

I like Jasper Fforde, whose humour is quite surreal but always enjoyable!. His books are rather like 'Alice in Wonderland' for adults!.

I like Terry Pratchett too, which are more purely comic than any other fantasy writer I like, especially the earlier books!. In some of his most recent books the fantasy is underplayed so that they scarcely seem like fantasy at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love when you get to know a character and they say something that just makes you laugh!.!.!.it adds a lot to your reading experience and makes it easier to understand the personalitiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you're looking for humor in novels, then try this graphic novel called shaman king!. it kinda made me laugh to myself a little!. you can find it a barnes and noble by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple sarcasm is always enjoyable!. Especially when you know the character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try reading some Terry PratchettWww@QuestionHome@Com