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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone else think Meyer might disappoint us in Breaking Dawn?

Question: Does anyone else think Meyer might disappoint us in Breaking Dawn!?
Maybe I'm just nervous after reading all these theories about the book!. They're great books; But, I really hope that Edward and Bella stay together and that Jacob doesn't die!. What do you think might happen!? (Sorry to be kind of a pessimist!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that this will be the HIT smacker out of all of the four in the series!. If this is REALLY going to be the LAST of the series (I hope not, but still) then she is going to have ALOT to explain, finish, tie off, and write! They really are great books and I think that, were she had left it off, that it will be a REAL good showdown! I hope that Bella and Edward stay together too! I think Jacob should live, but stay out of Bella's life, he's done enough damage, you know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i understand!. i am worries because the movie could have influensed her!. and also she can see how unhappy certin people will be if something happens!. i dont want any of the characters to die or be unhappy!. i want a happy ending for jake and bella and edward and everyone!. but some people want jake to die, or bella or edward!. so i think she could maybe dissapoint, but i will like the book no matter what!.!.!.

i just thought that first chapter was weird!.!.!. "my happy place" !?!?!? happy place!? uhhh idonno wierd!. w/e i hope its good thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would kinda have to agree that Stephenie may give us and ending that we do not like!.!.!. She loves her characters so much!.!.!. and she also said she has a soft spot for Jacob!.!.!. I don't know what will happen!. I sure hope she keeps with Edward and Bella together some how some way! also!.!.!. Jake should get his chance at happiness also!.!.!.

I agree though!.!.!. It just doesn't sound like a happy outlook for at least one of the characters!.!.!.

Probably should stop and grab some kleenex while I am picking up the book!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I think that too!.
I'm hoping that it's not one of those things where you are so excited about it, then when you actually get it, it wasn't really worth getting worked up about!.
The quotes of the day have been a disappointment so im not getting my hopes up about anything anoymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't realize she could get any more disappointing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She won't dissapoint us!. And I think Bella will marry Edward and become a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's already disappointed us with the other ones - Won't be surprised if this one stinks as well!. LuthienTWww@QuestionHome@Com

she might
but she mite not
but if she does i'll block out the bad ending and make up my own!Www@QuestionHome@Com

stephenie will not disipoint us because if she did then there will be alot of angry people lolWww@QuestionHome@Com