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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there anyone Else out there that is obsessed with the twilight series?

Question: Is there anyone Else out there that is obsessed with the twilight series!?
I am very sorry to those of you that think that the twilihgt books are a waste of time!. I used to think that and then I got enough courage to read them!. Now I am completly obsessed with the series!. I have only read the books twice, but I've taken tons of quizzes to see witch character I am most like!. Apparent;y I am most like bella!. I want to know who else is ripping there hair out about the new book!. I want to know any theories that you have about the book!. I hope that breaking dawn will be awesome and don't hold this against me but I do not like jacob black at all!. He reminds me of too many people that I know!. There are 9 days, 2 hours, and 2 minutes until the book come out!. I am dying to read it but I will be camping so I don't know if I will get the book or not!. also because it is coming out on a saturday slims my chances also!. My guess it that it will be sold out!. once again just in case anyone got lost is there anyone else out there that is totally obsessed with the series!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
MMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! OK i completely agree with you on everything! Im sorry but i do not like Jaob that much i am just addicted to edward!!! I wil die when i get Breaking Dawn i will never put the book down!! I will starve all day if i have to!! OMG!! I can't wait till the BD release party!!!!So excited!! I have 2 kinds of contageous dieseases: OCD and OED: obsessive cullen disorder and Obsessive edward disorder_ hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i think everyboys read the twilight series i really like the series not obsessed but ill answer the questions that i see about them i can wait for breaking dawn either im going to my local barnes and noble to get it and im team switzerlandWww@QuestionHome@Com

i completly LOVE it!
ive read each book over 3
times and i never get sick of it!. im dying to read the 4th book!. i hope it doesnt end bad because then i'll feel
all sad and stuff!.
i still cnt wait!!!! only a couple more days!!! XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

i absolutely love it sooo much! It is one of the best series! :D Cant wait for the next book!. Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author (have you read The Host, brilliant aswell)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is there anyone Else out there that is obsessed with the twilight series!?

I would say millions of Twilight fans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just about every single person on yahoo answers apparently!. you have plenty of company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the series too, but I am totally team Jacob :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha ha yess!! Jacob haters unite! jk jk!.!.no really Im all about Edward though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am OBSESSED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't really like Jacob Black either!. When Jacob Black come up in the story, I literally want to skip that part, but i don't want to miss anything!. I can't wait for Breaking Dawn to come out either! also, I went to Stephenie Meyer's website, and I found out that she is also starting a book called Midnight Sun which is Twilight in Edward's point of view, if you go to


you can read the first chapter of Midnight Sun which is 20 pages i think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the series touched my heart !. :]
it makes me envious of bella, i wish i had somebody like Edward!
and ugh i dislike jacob too! i find him immature, inconsiderate, and slightly selfish!.!.!. i know he's the good guy or whatever, but i've just never liked him!. i was sooo mad when Bella found out she loved him! >=( i started crying i was so angry, especially on Edward's behalf, he doesn't deserve that!

can't wait for the new book =D

its silly, but this kind of makes me wish vampires and werewolves and magic and all those things existed!. it makes me question if they do!. childish i knoww!.


made me consider jacob more!. i know he's a good person, wolf, whatever, and his intentions are truly good, but i still don't like him! i can't help it!. hahah!. i think it's me being protective over Edward!. (not that he needs it)Www@QuestionHome@Com