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Question: Is this story something you would read!?
It is about a girl who just moved to a new house after her sister graduates high school and heads off to college-her father wants to save money, and restart in a new location for his daughter's junior year!. But at this girl's new school, every clique is immensely hard to join in!. She gets annoyed, and attempts to run to her sister's campus to try to live with her for a while, not even thinking, and ends up on the wrong plane!. She is devastated, having saved so much money for a wrong plane ride-and is now stuck in the middle of somewhere she has never been before!. She is asked by a random local to hang out, and before long, finds herself in a (non magical, thank you!.) adventure of her own, where she learns how to become accepted and begins to understand that her flaws are now neccessarily there to be fixed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmmm!.!.!.the beginning started to bore me, but then I got interested when she starts to have problems!. So!.!.!.!.I think that you should make the beginning more interesting in the real story, so that readers (if you get it published, good luck) don't put the book down!. But!.!.!.I wonder what happens!. Does she get back on the right plane!? Hopefully!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess so as long as the lesson of the story wasn't painfully obvious!. that takes away from the writing of the book and the mystery of it!. The best books in history always leave you guessing about them and if you made the point of the book obvious it would suddenly become less likely to be read more than once!. You read a book a lot of times to figure it out better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting I have never read anything remotely similar!.I would love to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i wud read itWww@QuestionHome@Com