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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Should I read Twilight? What do you think? I would like to hear from Adults who

Question: Should I read Twilight!? What do you think!? I would like to hear from Adults who have read this!.!?
Let me preface this by saying I don't read teen fiction, I read adult fiction but I am interested in the Twilight series!. I read horror, sci-fi, fantasy and supernatural with romance!. I love books on Vamp, shapeshifter's, werewolves, etc!. I love the supernatural/horror genre!. I like Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse series) Laurell K Hamilton all of her stuff, Patricia Briggs (Her Mercy series), Rachal Caine's Warden Series, Tanith Lee, Richard Laymon, Kelley Armstrong (Women of the Otherword, to name a few!. I picked up Twilight today and I just don't know!. I recently read Richelle Mead's teen vamp series, Vampire Academy books, there are two, I really liked those!. I am afraid I will be vastly disappointed and the book with be too "teen" for me!. I am looking for adults who have read this, but I am happy to hear from anyone!. I got really interested, I saw the preview for the movie!. With all the buzz surrounding the series, I am afraid I will be let down!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends!. I'm into horror, sci-fi, and fantasy, too, but I don't like romance so much!. The plot moves very slowly, and up until page 370 pretty much the only plot is 'I'm in high school and I'm in love with a vampire' (which, I might point out, was done much better in the first couple seasons of Buffy)!. There is very little action in Twilight, still not a lot in New Moon, and one more or less major fight scene in Eclipse!. In addition, they're vegetarian vampires, and even the 'evil' vampires don't actually get up to a lot of violence or blood-sucking, but they tend to just hang around and be threatening!.

I wouldn't buy it, but at least borrow the first book from a library or a friend, to see if you like it!. I found them at least preferable to sitting around bored out of my mind over summer vacation!. If you're really interested in vampires and other supernatural beings, I highly recommend Sunshine by Robin McKinley!. It's got vampires, magic, horror, a little romance, werewolves (and various other were-creatures), and it's very well-written!.

*Edit* my name is NOT a reference to the series! It's from a video game that, incidentally, also happens to contain shape-shifting wolves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't pay for it!. Try checking it out at your library if possible!. If you like it you could always buy the rest in the series!. Personally, I hated the first book!. The writing and characterization was just too horrible for me to really enjoy it so I never got into it!. I enjoy horror and fantasy but Twilight didn't do it for me!. Meyer is not a good writer and most experienced readers will tell you this!.

EDIT -- I am an thirty year old adult male!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is a fabulous book!. When I first read it, it was recommended by a very close friend who read books like that!. I thought that I wouldn't like it just because it seemed scary and I wasn't really into scary books!. Then, I gave it a try and read it and I loved it!. It is packed with all sorts of emotions and it is a great book!. And don't worry, as long as you like it, it doesnt matter if it's too "teen" for you!.

I've read Twilight and enjoyed it!. Don't go into with expectations as it's different from any Vampire book I've read!. I do like reading young adult books as they tend to have less violence and sex which means they have to have to plot!. It's a good book try it out!. You have nothing to lose as it's a quick read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'll probably get mixed reviews on the book because everyone has their own personal preferences!. Personally, I enjoyed it; it's an easy read; and if you don't like it so much you don't have to continue the series!. Since you have the book, you might as well read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you read horror as listed don't read Twilight! Its not in the same league! Vegetarian vampires don't do it for me! I am a horror fan and have read Twilight out of curiousity!. Its just romantic teenage drival!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 32!. I read it and really liked the series!. However, the more I think about it, I do recall being annoyed in places!. It was a fun read, and I don't regret it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you should read it no im not an adult but i got my aunt to read it and my grandma they wanted to know why i was so interested in it they loved it so will uWww@QuestionHome@Com

I read all of stephenie meyers books and i think they are wonderful!. i am going to go see the movie and i know it wont be as i expected or as good!. you should read it and see the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you should it's a great book and so are the other books with it New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn coming in 9 nine daysWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its Good!.!. i really liked it xD I in love with twilight and i think adults should read it to!.!. BUT!.!. Dont expect To much!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you will not be let down!!!!
twilight, new moon, and eclipse are the best books that i have ever read, although i am not an adult, i am a teen!. lol
a couple of my friend's moms have read the books though, and they really enjoyed them!.
if you like all of the books that you have mentioned above, then you will most definately like the twilight series!!!!
hope i could help!
oh, and just to warn you~~~ you may not be able to put the books down once you start them!. heehee!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com