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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are books from mainstream publishers made with recycled paper?

Question: Are books from mainstream publishers made with recycled paper!?
Although I truly love books and libraries, it occurred to me this week that books use up tons of paper and that in the future, that could be a problem for the environment!. Do mainstream big-time publishers use recycled paper for books!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I totally agree with you!. They don't recycle paper, and that is a great hazard!.

Currently I am fighting for people to get into the best practices!.

I ask people to read the public domain books from the Internet to save trees!. They are available at:

And the full section is

I suggest you read up the following article I wrote:

And if you agree with my views, please pass on webLiterature to your friends and ask all your friends with good blog / web sites to link to it!.

Cheers!. Keep up the spirit!.


Some do and advertise clearly on the backcover or on the copyright page if they do!. Others might use paper from sustainable resources and again this is shown clearly somewhere in the book -- usually a backcover or copyright page!. Although on some books I've seen it placed in different places!.
If you look on a publisher's website you may be able to find out if they have a policy of using recycled or paper from sustainable forests!.
If it doesn't mention then you can probably assume that the paper is not recycled/ from a sustainable resource!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some books are but unless it specifically says on them that they are then i seriously doubt it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com