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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How can I be sure that the books I read are unabridged?

Question: How can I be sure that the books I read are unabridged!?
I just finished reading Jane Eyre and I want to be sure I read the UNabridged version, can someone tell be approximately how many pages the true version ought to be!? My book is not labled unabridged anywhere, however, its a used book and no longer has the original paper slip cover!. In general are books usually clearly marked that they are abridged!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You probably have an unabridged edition!. If a book is abridged, it'll be certain to say it both on the cover and in the information pages in the front of the book!.

The Penguin Classics edition of Jane Eyre is 624 pages, but that could vary, depending on the typeface and size of your edition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Generally all books are unabridged unless they are specifically marked as an abridged version!. However, audiobooks can be marked as unabridged or abridged!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

books are unabridged, unless they specifically marked as abridged!. as far as Jane Eyre was it long as hell and just as boring, if yes it was unabridged!.Www@QuestionHome@Com