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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know of a book that explains Rhyming Slang?

Question: Does anyone know of a book that explains Rhyming Slang!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
porkies = pork pies = lies
apples = apples and pears = stairs
Barnet = Barnet Fair = hair
dog = dog and bone = telephone
jam = jam jar = car
water = water bottle = throttle
china = china plate = mate
pony = pony and trap = cr*p (to defecate or meaning something is rubbish = not very good)
saucepan = saucepan lid = kid
frog = frog and toad = road
Rosie = Rosie Lee = tea/gypsy
Ruby = Ruby Murray = Curry
trouble = trouble and strife = wife
tom = tomfoolery = jewellery
skin = skin and blister = sister
Listerine = Anti Septic = Septic Tank = Yank = American (From The U!.S!.A!.)


Ayto, John!. 2002!. The Oxford Dictionary of Rhyming Slang!. Oxford University Press!.
Franklyn, Julian!. 1960!. A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang!. Routledge!.
Green, Jonathon!. 2000!. Cassell's Rhyming Slang!. Cassell!.
Lillo, Antonio (full name, Antonio Lillo Buades)!. 1996!. "Drinking and Drug-Addiction Terms in Rhyming Slang"!. In Comments on Etymology 25 (6): pp!. 1-23!.
Lillo, Antonio!. 1998!. "Origin of Cockney Slang Dicky Dirt"!. In Comments on Etymology 27 (8): pp!. 16-20!.
Lillo, Antonio!. 1999!. "More on Sausage and Mash 'Cash'"!. In Gerald L!. Cohen and Barry Popik (eds!.), Studies in Slang!. Part VI!. Peter Lang, pp!. 87-89!.







I have never read such a book but it surely must have been written possibly in sonnet!. or in music of the spheres!. Rhymes are word music and a common link to the instruments designed to carry their words in another form!.A common bond exists between sound and words when put together they are very creative and have such powerful gravitational effects upon the listener weather it be the heart and soul or the mind and work!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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O!.K!. me old china!?Www@QuestionHome@Com