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Question: How to contact the best book publisher company!?
I'm only 13 and I've written a book!. I want to find a good publishing company, but which ones are the best!? And how do you contact them!? How long does it take them to go over it!? I'm just afriad that they wont accept it because of my age!? I would really love some advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most of the big publishing houses (for example, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, etc!.) under NO circumstances take unsolicited manuscripts!. You kind of have to go through the same process when finding an agent: find one that suits your needs and write a bang-up query letter!.

Regarding your age: don't be discouraged, but it is extraordinarily rare (if not never) that someone your age would be considered seriously by an agent at this point!. However, if you really have faith in your work and you've made it the best you can, I say send it off!. Just don't be too discouraged, and above all, keep writing! Publishing is more difficult than most people can imagine, and you have to really stick with it, usually for years, before any small amount of success!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You query them like everyone else!. Just type up a query letter and send it!.

But I will caution you: There is no one in the mainstream currently accepting pre-teen authors!. It's totally unheard of!.

Unless you're some kind of whiz prodigy!.!.!.!?

You'd have to wait until you're much older to get published!. The important thing *is*, is that you don't give up that dream--if you're serious enough that is!. :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com