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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Im writing a novel, i have the characters, the settings, but cant really think o

Question: Im writing a novel, i have the characters, the settings, but cant really think of the most important thing!?
!.!.!.which is a purpose for the character- so theres a girl, who grows up by herself in Enlgand(1800's) by pretending shes a boy!. She has abilities that relate to the natural world, bending wind to travel fast, etc!. Now the girl ends up working as a hand maid in the crowns quarters- and i know where its going from here but i need a purpose for the story!.!.!. please help!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have a character, a situation, and a world!. You need a story line, and there are only two ways to develop the story!.

The story line can be either a PLOT, in which the character overcomes a series of hurdles to attain a goal, thus changing her world; or CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, in which she faces more or less normal challenges which changes her and she grows up!. All novels are either one or the other, or a mix!.

Start with the MAJOR DRAMATIC QUESTION!. It could be "will she ever come to grips with her femininity!?" Perhaps she will meet a stunning prince or warrior who brings her out of herself!. You can add a nasty complication: If she becomes his Queen, she will lose her magic powers!. But she wishes to bear him children, so she does it out of maternal love and makes the sacrifice (that's character development)!. Or, maybe, all her powers turn out to be adolescent fantasies that she slowly overcomes!.

Or, she could just join with the castle mice, an old magician, and go through a bunch of dangers and adventures in a quest to attain victory over an evil witch, warlock, or army which threatens the crown!. In this case, we wouldn't be watching much of a change in her character, but we would be viewing an adventure story, or Plot!. The Major Dramatic Question could be, "Will they save the Kingdom!?"

You've got a good start!. Lots of possibilities!. Sit yer butt down and work on it, even if you have to waste a bunch of paper or rewrite until your brain is numb!.

And remember, don't be afraid to bring in an interesting character to help out if you (or your characters) run into a brick wall!. Then go back and insert a hint or brief meeting with the character so it doesn't look contrived when the new guy shows up on the scene and lifts the plot to the next level!. (Old trick!.)

I wish you all the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's the point of writing a story if you don't even have a point to it!? Are you writing just so you can write!? I dunno, how about the purpose is trying to fit in in a completely biased, hateful, discriminating society!. Where the main character has to pretend to be someone else to fit in, and has to hide her true powers to be normal!. In the end you can have her exposed as a female with a lot of power, where she beats all the males- and is respected for it!. Maybe you can defeat discrimination, prejudice, stereotyping, etc- in your novel and deliver equality!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The plot is supposed to come out of her -- if she's well developed!.
Sounds like you lack a conflict, and conflict usually allows for a story to happen and have a purpose!.
Why is it important that the story is set in the 1800's!? Her abilities sound like a good source of creating conflict, a story!.!.!.but you don't include them!. Perhaps she doesn't know how to properly use them and causes a lot of problems, or she can help end a drought, stop a flood, stop a fire and have the king end up becoming attracted to her, but he won't know that she's a girl!.!.!.or as someone said, have there be a villain!.
You need to think this out!.
There's no point in writing something with no purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you are missing is conflict!.

If there is no conflict, you don't have a story!. What you would have is a report!.

Start by asking questions:
What is her biggest fear!?
Who or what is she willing to overcome her fears for!?
Who/what are her enemies!?
Are they immediately identifiable or are they hidden!?

And so on!.

Answer them without thinking too much!. Let your muse take over!. Give yourself a time limit to answer each question!.

Read over your answers and you should have your conflict and purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could just be a story of this girl's life, I guess!. But since she has powers, I'd suggest you invent a villain for your story!. Once you know the villains personality, you can use his/her actions to drive the story and create trouble for your main character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont know why you would my opinion bro i suck as stories lol,, but here goes, a purpose for your story could be a far of land that she discovers and finds family!. lol yeah thats all i got sory :SWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm this sounds just like A Loving Scoundrel by Johanna Lindsey!.!.!.!.!.almost identical :(

ok wow now since you've mentioned all those details I see how its very different!.!.!.good luck with the writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're missing what George Lucas calls the McGuffin, the reason, the why!. Find her true motivation and she'll write herself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ell maybe she could fall for the prince!?
Or stumble across a royal secret, like the king murded his daughter or something
Find flaws or something in the chractersWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd suggest going with the classic folktale known as Jack Monroe, Jack-aroe, or Jack the Sailor as a basis for your book When you go for old folklore, it gets harder for people to accuse you of plagerizing recent works!.

This folk song tells the tale of a rich young woman who falls in love with a common sailor, of who her father does not approve!. The sailor leaves, the woman dresses as a man so she can follow him, she finds him wounded on a battlefield, and they eventually wed!.

Sounds like a good outline for your story!. You'd have an explanation of why she is masquerading as a man, a quest, plenty of exotic locales you could use, it would work nice with the magic powers you want her to have, and plenty of tension!.

The best part!? When you go back to the source for well worn plotlines, nobody can accuse you of being a plagerist, you're just re-invigorating a classic tale!.

When Geroge Lucas is running on about Heroes with a Thousand Faces, nobody can slip in questions like "So who do you feel you ripped off more with the Ewoks, The Poul Anderson/Gordon Dickinson Hoka series or the cover art from H!. Beam Piper's Little Fuzzy series!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com