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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Hmmm...I don't understand this one part....(Twilight)?

Question: Hmmm!.!.!.I don't understand this one part!.!.!.!.(Twilight)!?
So I was rereading Twilight again!.!.!.!.!.and it was when Edward and Bella were going to spend a day together, the day that she was "supposedly" going to Seattle!.!.a!.k!.a the day of the dance!. She didn't tell Charlie that she was going to spend the day with Edward, and Edward kept mentioning that she should tell Charlie!. She tells him "no" each time, and eventually he gets really irritated and angry!. He also got angry when he found out that Bella didn't tell anyone she was with Edward!. Why is he so angry!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward wanted someone to know he was with Bella to give him an added incentive not to just kill her for a snack!. He wasn't sure of his control at that point, so he was upset that no one would have a clue where she was and he would have been able to get away with killing her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward is angry because if Charlie doesn't know and no one else knows Bella is spending time with Edward, and she doesn't come back, people wouldn't know what happened or know where to find her!. Obviously, she wouldn't come back because he may slip in his self control and kill her without controling it!. It's sort of hard to explain but thats the best I can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lucky you! You don't understand this part only!. I had thousands of questions when I was reading the book!.

Why Bella constantly lies to Charlie!?

How can she keep her thoughts to herself and be an open book, as her mother calls her!.

Why immortal vampires who love speed drive the Volvo which is considered the world's safest car!?

Carlisle swum from England to France!. How did he come to America!?

Is there any end to Edward's perfection!?

And these are just a few questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely love this book actually the whole series!. I am not exactly sure about his anger but my opinion is that it gives him the strength to keep Bella human for now!. As much as he wants to be with Bella, he also wants to make sure that she understands what and who she will be giving up to be with him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward was solely angry about the fact that absolutely nobody knew she was going with him!. He became extremely angry in the car when she told him that Jessica knew they weren't doing anything together that day!. He didn't want to risk Bella's life, and was angry that she wasn't helping by not telling anyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward is angry because he wants bella to be safe!. and if he accedentaly kills her, he wants people to know where she is and who she went with!. He isn't really angry just frustrated because bella is being "unsafe"!.

hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

cause if he accidentally hurt her, or if she didnt come back, they wouldnt wonder where she was, they would immediately know that she was with Edward and before freaking out and wondering where she was, they would talk to Edward first!.!.!.
im guessing!.!. lol
but i think thats the reasons!.!.
HOPE I HELPED!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because she could disappear and nobody would know where she was!. What if he got hungry and couldn't control himself!?

also, there were all those unsolved murders happening!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So that if she doesnt come home, people will know she was with him, and so he will bring her back because everyone will know it was himWww@QuestionHome@Com

because if she doesnt tell anyone, no one will know she is with him!.!.!.and so if he did end up killing her no one would ever suspect that it was him!.!.!.sooo that gives him no insentive to bring her backWww@QuestionHome@Com

in my opinon i think edward thought it would be better for her to tell the truth to every one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he needed a motivation to keep him from killing her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no he just wanted someone to know so that he would have something big keeping him from killing herWww@QuestionHome@Com

NO! Edward would not want to brag!.!. it's impossibly ridiculous to think that if you pay ANY attention to ANY of the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward did not totally trust himself with her yet!. He still wanted her blood!.!.!. like, he says "his brand of heroin"!. So, he really wanted her to tell people she was with him just in case he accidentally killed her!. They would know who to blame and where to go to find her!. So, he was angry because now he could have easily done her in and no one would have known!. It gave him an easier advantage and he was trying to teach himself to be better!. So, in Edwards mind if someone knows that he is with her, then he really can't bite her because they will know, so when he finds out that she has not told anyone, it gives him no reason not to!. So, now he is stuggling with his own self control!. That is why when she touches him he freaks out and runs into the shadows!. He thinks she smells amazing and is trying so hard not to do what he wanted to do that first day at school!

haha!.!.!. Crazy explanation right!!? Hope it helps a little!Www@QuestionHome@Com