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Question: Help with my book please!!?
Well my book is about this girl who falls for a vampire!. She goes off to college and she mets her hall mate, his very sexy and charming, and eventually she finds out who he really is
and then i'm stuck!. i was going to make it that his brother comes after her but it didn't fit
So what do u think should happen!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds interesting!. If it were ME, I would make it so that even though she finds out who he is, she's still skeptical!. Until she 'awakens' to find out that she is one herself!. Going to her family for help, she discovers that the guy she is falling for is actually from an enemy clan/family or whatever from some dispute long long ago!. His brother comes after her to try and kill her [because she holds some strange power or something] but he in the process falls in love with her as well!.
Interesting no!?
I'll let you decide the rest!.

If this is your story, then the question is, what do YOU think should happen!?

Maybe instead of trying to focus on a complicated plot, you should switch gears and concentrate on creating likable or interesting characters!? Once you have solid characters, they kind of write their own stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so basically you have no plot!?

what interests you and what plot would maximize this!?

he draws her into a world that she unknowingly is very much a part of!?

he tries to become a part of her life but cant because(blah) and she helps him with this!?

classic literature always has a theme what is yours!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does she know he's a vampire yet!? If not, that could scare her off!.!.!. or maybe she thinks he's just a crazy who thinks he's a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someones been plot stealing from twlight!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
its okay, but love triangles do make good stories!.
Maybe you should have it where she is confused on who she likes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me guess: You're a Twilight fan!? lolWww@QuestionHome@Com