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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone dislike Edward Cullen and the other Cullens?

Question: Does anyone dislike Edward Cullen and the other Cullens!?
I′m just wondering if anyone dislikes the Cullens because it seems like everyone loves them!. Personally I don′t favor them very much!. Sorry I′m not trying bash the Twilight series I′m just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! I passionately dislike Eddie Cullen!.

Why!? Let me make a list for you!.

1!. He's controlling; he took apart Bella's car so she couldn't leave, he controls who she sees and doesn't see, etc
2!. He has no respect for Charlie!. He sneaks into the house all the time!.
3!. He only likes Bella because she smells tasty, and she only likes him because he's handsome!.
4!. He is TOO perfect!.
5!. Eddie sparkles!. Seriously!? He SPARKLES in the sun!?
6!. Edward uses the most ridiculous phrases; for example, he called Bella "his exact brand of heroin!." Wow, how romantic; comparing his girlfriend to an addictive, disgusting drug!.
7!. He is fictional, and yet practically every 15 year old girl (myself excluded) fawns over him and names themselves "Mrs!. Cullen <3333" or "I'm his exact brand of heroin; I <3 Twilight!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I HATE EDWARD!. I despise him!. He's the most annoying character in all of literary history!. He's controlling, arrogant, thinks he has the right to do whatever floats his boat since he's the Mighty Edward Cullen, has NO respect whatsoever for Charlie, and is obsessed with Bella to the point where it's unhealthy and possessive!. He's a stalker!. It's freaky!.

I don't like the Cullens, with the exceptions of Rosalie, Emmett, and Carlisle!. Carlisle is a great guy!. He just seems like the kind of guy that I could have intelligent conversations with!. I'm a history buff too, so talking to him would rock!. Rosalie has the most sense out of the vampires, from what I've seen!. She understands things that Bella doesn't understand!. She's rude, but who can blame her!? Bella deserves the cruelty!. Rose's attitude toward Bella is completely understandable!. Rose's story was just so tragic too, and I'm fond of tragic stories!. Emmett is hilarious so I like him!.

Esme is boring; she could easily be taken out of the story and it wouldn't affect it at all!. That's a sign of a bad character!. Alice is preppy, much too optimistic, WAY too girly (ugh!. Makeup, jewelry, fancy weddings, and shopping!? Shoot me!. When I get married, I don't even want to have a wedding ring!. I hate jewelry because it makes me feel claustrophobic, so I wouldn't wear it!. And I plan to get married in tennis shoes and a simple dress!.!.!. nothing fancy or girly *shudders*), and incessantly annoying!. She's just so BLEGH!. Jasper is scary!. Edward is just stupid!.

Screw vampires; I run with werewolves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't dislike them, but some traits are annoying!.

Edward IS controling, I'll give you that, but he is sweet!. Maybe I don't want him as a boyfriend!. I am waiting till I am in late high school or college before I get a boyfriend so I will have better sense of who to choose!. He is a little TOO old fashioned, but who cares about that!? It does seem Bella loves him because he is goregous, he can protect her, and he is a vampire!. Edward lets Bella walk all over him!.

Carlisle is smart, I like him!.

Esme is not metioned much!. She is quiet!.

Jasper actually scares me!. But without him the family would not have many problems and Alice wouldn't be happy!.

I like Alice, she is peppy!. Somewhat annoying, but everybody is!.

Emmett is one of my favorites!. He is the funniest and doesn't take being a vampire seriously, which is how I would be!.

Rosalie IS my favorite!. She has a tragic story, and has the right to be mad at Bella!. Sure, she is full of herself!. She is pretty and knows how to work on cars!. And she is blonde, like me!. Without her, the Cullens would be a perfect little family to the naked eye!.

Since Bella may become a Cullen here is what I think of her:

Bella is one of my least favorite charactors!. She is VERY whiney, and walks all over Edward!. Plus, she loves Jacob when she is with someone else!. How stupid! She hates parties, and gets mad at Alice for giving her a grad party!. She didn't hang with her friends very much, she hung out with Edward!. And she went insane when he left!. Ah, Bella!.

There, I said it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG I am like in love with the Cullens!. My two favorites are Edward and Alice!. But of course I Edward comes before Alice!. But I do also like Jacob!. He is just so sweet, and well he pretty much is the sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my favorites are edward and carlisle!. i'm not much of a rosalie fan, but she's a cullen!. and alice!. i wish she was my sister!. lol (or bffe)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im really not a big fan of Rosalie, but the rest of them are amazing characters!. Especially Edward, Alice, Emmett, Jasper!.!.!.well all of them but Rosalie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not me- Edward Cullen is PERFECT!. I love him *sigh*!. I am not so fond of Rosalie though- she seems a bit blunt and mean-hearted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats funny!.
Of course I love the Cullens!.
Ooh!.!.!. Edward Cullen is mine!.

I think they're all pretty cool!. Stephenie makes them all so unique, which is what keeps them together!. They have a close-knit family feeling and risk their lives to save Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the Cullen's all of them especially Edward!! He's every girls dream!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't dislike him!. He seems like someone I'd love to have my real life haha but some people are really obessed with the book!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No way! I love them! Edward is awsome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emmetts my favorite ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope i luv 'em especially edward <333Www@QuestionHome@Com

I greatly dislike Edward!. The other Cullens don't bother me as much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dude if u DONT like the cullens ur crazy!.!.!.!.!.!.!.with a capital C cuz they are perfect and rob is perfect to play edward in the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!only 4 months left!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope - I like them!. My favorite of the family would have to be Alice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!!! i love them all of them especially Emmett!! go grizzly bears!!! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com