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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How many people are going as Bella for the Breaking Dawn Midnight Party?

Question: How many people are going as Bella for the Breaking Dawn Midnight Party!?
I already know what I am going to wear but I don't want to look like everyone else!. Do you have any ideas how I could spice up my look!. by the way I am going as Bella in the first book so I am gonna wear a sweat suit!. But if you have any ideas for something that will look better but is cheap I would really appreciate it!. Thankz :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, in the first book she goes to prom!.
So you could find a prom dress like the one she wears!.
And she has lots of scars, including the one
when James bit her!.
But other than that, shes a very laid back person,
and theres not much stuff you could do to be Bella MORE (because your doing her from the first book)

And for the scars, use makeup!.
Dark colors, white and pink are most common for scars!.
And maybe some fake blood if you want to detail it!.

Hope this helps! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think too many people will go as Bella, i dont think its cool to go as her beause theyre will be too many people as her!.
Your gonna wear a sweatsuit which is something she would definetly wear but i dont think it looks very spectcular and i think your bound to be upstaged!.
I dont mean to be rude but i think it'll look like you havent made an effort!.
I think you might have a rethink on the outfit!.
I think it would be cool to go as Carlisle and even cooler to go as Jasper, yeh you might not be your fav charcter but you wont just be one of the pack!.
Have a good time whatever you choose to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am going as bella, and im doing all her scars and everything , you could do that as well!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

im going as bella
with the scars and i might as well trip alot lol
and 10 of myfriends are tooWww@QuestionHome@Com