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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight???? Family crest and Breaking Dawn??

Question: Twilight!?!?!?!? Family crest and Breaking Dawn!?!?
What is the Cullen family crest!? Someone said that Rosalie wears hers on her necklace and Carlisle wears his on his ring!.

also, can someone email me the first chapter of Breaking Dawn that was in the special edition of Eclipse!? PLEASE!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its a lot of designs on a ring!. Go to google and look up the movie!. On there it shows a pic of the crest!.
The second question can not be answered because its illegal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its jewelary that the Cullens wear in Twilight (the movie)
Its not in the books so dont freak out that you missed anything!.
Search it on youtube to get a fuller description and see it!.
or go here:

And for your second question, its illegal!.
And even if someone had it on a website some fan is going to tell Stephenie Meyer and shes going to close the website!.
Sorry but you could find the sneak peek (its not full) of the first chapter here: http://www!.ew!.com/ew/article/0,,20203238!.!.!.
Enjoy! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The cullen family crest is something they added on in the movie!. An image of it can be found here: http://www!.mtv!.com/shared/promoimages/mo!.!.!.

And my e-mail is warrior!.of!.the!.wind@gmail!.com if you want chapter one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on youtube search cullen family crest and they will show u!. emmett, jasper, & edward- have braclets
rosalie and alice- neklaces (rosalie has a huge one)

and it is illigeal to email it to u thats what someone said!.
borrow it from a friendWww@QuestionHome@Com