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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you ever read a whole page and totally forget what you just read, especially

Question: Do you ever read a whole page and totally forget what you just read, especially when you!?
have to read a boring book for school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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It's happened to me, but generally because the book is some kind of technical or scientific textbook that, on first reading, sounds to me like it was written in some extinct language!. It's not that it is boring, just baffling!.

I remember it happening when I was reading Mechanics of Materials, for instance!. It was doubly frustrating, because my teacher had a very soft voice and always taught facing the blackboard while he was writing pertinent information!. Then he would turn around, covering what he wrote, saying we should make sure to learn that information he was hiding from us, and, as a follow-up, he would turn around again and erase the entire thing before we had a chance to see it! Then I'd turn to the book for enlightenment, but it was written in some strange form of (what I call) "professor-ease" which couldn't be deciphered by mere mortals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it happens to me all the time!. I really do love to read it's just sometimes if it is a really boring book like some books I had to read for school, I can read the entire page without ever really taking any of the information in and then I just end up having to read it over again more carefully!. That usually only happens if I am reading a boring book for school, a text book, or if I am really really tired!. The only thing you can do is reread the page and try not to keep your attention on the words and comprehending them, even though that can be hard sometimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha, actually, yes!. Many times!
A lot of people liked the book Shiloh, and I had seen the movie when I was younger!. So my teacher hands me the book, and I swear I read the first page at least thirty times before I realized that I'd read it already!.
It wasn't horrible, I suppose!. Just not my taste, I guess you could say!.

Yep!. Usually only if I'm tired, but it did happen a lot when I read books for school (note: not novels, but nonfiction books)!. On second thought, I always seemed to get more tired the more I read them!.!.!. They put me to sleep :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes!.!.usually during the summer reading projects!. I have to read the pearl and needed to read it 3 times to remember things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


yeah I have to read it twice sometimes just to rememberWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I've read boring textbooks eight times and I STILL don't know what it said!
