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Question: Breaking Dawn quote for today!!!!!!!!?
So people I just visited the stephenie meyers homepage and I found the Breaking dawn quote for today and the quote says:

"Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you!? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away!."

OH MY GOD!Bella is going to have nightmares AGAIN!?
But about what!?Maybe the volturi!?I mean honestly that sounds a little bit weird when a man asks you if you want him to sing you into sleep but well that's Edward Cullen and we love him for this!.

But why Bella has nightmares!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Possibly Volturi or maybe Jacob or a mix of both!.Or maybe the thought of her being turned and accidently loosing control and killing someone!.I dont think she would have so many nightmares if she told someone what was goin on!.!.!.!.Omg I just suggested something like she was a real human not a charecter,

[TEAM EDWARD]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dream for a guy like Edward!. Not Jacob, blech!.

Maybe the Voutori (sp!?) or Jacob or turning into one of "them" (hee hee)!. Here is my theory which is the worst theory ever but bear with me: When vampires die, they do back to their human form and live their lives!. They may remember their vampirness, maybe not!. So Bella may be scared Victoria is at it again as her human self!. Hee hee!.

Oh well I tried!. GO TEAM EDWARD!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know, but this is THE BEST QUOTE EVER!! so many possibilities!!! I love Edward! He's so sweet!!!

TEAM EDWARD!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know we are just going to have 2 wait and see!!

-Twilight <3 Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:9Www@QuestionHome@Com