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Question: Should i read twilight by stephanie meyers!?
Can someone tell me what its about without spoiling it!?
Search engines wont work for me and i can't go to a library soon!.
is it a really good book!?
a series!?
my friend was reading it and it looked interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honestly, I wouldn′t recommend it!. The characters are unconvincing, the actual plot is a bit vague, and about 80 percent of the book is about some girl gushing over an overly perfect vampire whose character isn′t very well developed!.

Then again the book adds some twists to what we consider a vampire and a werewolf!.

It all depends on what you like!. If you like fluffy teenage romance (I′m talking a LOT of romance) with some twists then go for it!.But if you like books with more substance I would suggest someting else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HELL YES you need to read that book!!!!! heres a little summary:
Bella has always shared her mother's hatred of the small Washington town of Forks where her father lives, but now she's voluntarily choosing to move there to live with her dad while her mother pursues a more mobile lifestyle with her new husband!. At the high school in Forks, Bella is an immediate success, befriended by one of the most popular girls in school and pursued by one of the most popular boys!. Everyone loves Bella!. Everyone except the movie-star perfect Edward, who seems to loathe Bella on sight!. But when Edward saves Bella from being hit by a car despite having been on the other side of the parking lot mere seconds before, it seems that Edward must not hate her so much after all!. Bella's quest to discover who (and what) Edward really is eventually leads to the realization that he is a vampire!.!.!.and he craves Bella's blood more than any he's ever encountered before!. While Edward and Bella endeavor to work out their relationship, another vampire scents a challenge, and soon Bella's life is at risk from more than just Edward's blood lust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are those that really love this series and are completely obsessed with it and then there are those that totally hate it!. I've read it and I wouldn't say it was amazing or anything, but it was okay and still worth the read in my opinion!. The first book called Twilight is about a girl named Isabella (Bella) Swan that moves to a new town named Forks with her father!. In this town there are a group of vampires living there and soon Bella starts to fall in love with one of the vampires named Edward!. Another group of vampires come to Forks and set their sights on Bella and that is where most of the action takes place, but I won't give away the end!. Go ahead and read the first book and if you don't like it then you don't need to read the rest, you will never know if you like it until you read it!. I hope this helps!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just read the first in the series because everyone else was saying how good it was!. I really wasn't that impressed!. The book just didn't seem to have much substance to it!. I didn't like the characterization!. I felt like the author had one big idea and tried to write it all down and it all made sense to her but she didn't explain it enough to make me understand and like it!. A lot of people love these books so give the first one a shot I say!. But I quite honestly didn't love the first book so I won't read any of the others!. And this is coming from a person who loves books in series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not really good and it's a series!. It's about a shallow girl who moves to Forks after her idiotic and selfish mother leaves her to be with some other idiot who is trying to make it big!. His name is Phil!. She goes to Forks where her clueless and stupid father is and acts like his wife by cooking for him and cleaning the house!.

Well, she meets a boring, perfect, perfect, perfectly boring and uninteresting, handsome guy named Edward!. Oh, he's a vampire too!. And he has other vampire "relatives" who are also magnificently beautiful!. She's attracted to him because of his looks!. He's attracted to her because of her smell, so he insists on stalking her!.

She finds it attractive because all of the previous boys in Phoenix were smart enough to smell the idiot she was from a mile away!.

Anyways, there is about twenty pages of action and the rest of the pages are devoted to telling us how beautiful and perfect and perfectly beautiful Edward is!. Oh and don't forget the completely cheesy dialogue and casual professing of love even though they know nothing about each other!.

You shouldn't read it!. Bottom line!. Unless you're into shallow weak protagonists who have no clue what's going on, that is!.

Good luck! Everyone has their own tastes after all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll try not to spoil it

Its a romance between a clutsy human and an indestructible vampire!. The vampire keeps getting her in danger!. They love each other soooo much that its slightly sickening, but romantic!.

I love the entire series, and most of my friends do, but others dont like it!.

People say that the plot is bad but the characters are so well-developed that you feel a part of the story!.

Hope you like the series! Email after you finish them all and let me know what you thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you like

a!. whiny, pathetic 'heroines' that glamorize being a doormat and a pushover
b!. vampires that are supposedly practically perfect in every way but then display disturbing similarities to abusers
c!. parents that are absolute idiots (so THAT'S where bella got it from!!!)
d!. mushy gushy romance!. i'm romantic, sure, but that was TOO MUCH!
e!. writing that focuses almost entirely on the amazing beauty of said vampire

then sure, go ahead!. don't blame me when you start vomiting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure if you like female protagonists that are pathetic, a hairy powdered domestic abuser donut vampire boyfriend(http://sweettangerine50!.files!.wordpress!.!.!.!. ) and cheesy, fluffy gooyness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! u should definately read the series!
this book is about a teenage girl that moved in with her father!. and she falls in love with a vampire!. and the vampire has to resist sucking her blood!. its an awesome book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!!!!!!, u definetly should!. don't listen 2 what people say that it sucks, just read it u'll love it, it's the love story between a human gurl and a perfect vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terrible, since it attracts teenage girls to spew their madness about 'Edward' or 'Jacob' all over the place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's first of four!. (Number four to come out August 2!.)
It's a book about vampires!.
I don't like vampire books, but I LOVED This book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the best!.!.!.!!!! I loved it!. You should deff read itt without a dout!.Www@QuestionHome@Com