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Question: Please review my short story!?
this is a short story that i wrote for english class last year!. i know i'm not a genius writer, or even close to it (heh), and that my writing probably sounds like a little kid wrote it (which is true), but i want to improve!. so constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!? :) here's the link:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually thought it was really good!. ^^ Especially since you're so young!.

The mom's ghost thing kind of struck me by surprise, and I think the story would have been just as good without her!. Maybe you could do something to make the single event less random; maybe Lilly has "seen" her mom before or something!. It just came out of nowhere and didn't fit!.

Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I knew from the beginning that Gladys would take Lilly's earrings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com