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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I ABSOLUTELY DETEST Jacob Black From Twilight. ANY ONE ELSE FEEL THIS WAY?

Question: I ABSOLUTELY DETEST Jacob Black From Twilight!. ANY ONE ELSE FEEL THIS WAY!?
AFTER READING ECLIPSE (ironically i finished at exactly 12:00 at night) I WANTED TO SCREAM!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

He is such a jerk !.

I mean think about it, Jacob is really selfish about the whole thing! He and Bella obviously aren't meant to be together or else he would imprint! And is he even thinking about how much it will break her heart if he does imprint and he has to leave her!? Bella and Edward are defiantly soul mates, I mean think about how much it broke Bella when Edward want's there! And now Jacob ran away and she is still perfect! not even a fraction as sad as she was when Edward left! Edward would do anything for Bella and i think that thats better then doing anything to GET Bella! And half of his affection is probably just because he wants to beat Edward because, if you recall in Eclipse, when Jacob finds out how understanding Edward was about the fact he and Bella kissed, he said, "Damn, he's better than I thought!." Wow!. I mean how insensitive can you get!? It has been proven Edward and Bella can't live without each other and the fact is, Jacob is just a replacement that Bella can't live without if Edward isn't there!. I truly hope your Team Edward now because I can just feel that he is the right choice for Bella, they were made for each other and Jacob was made for someone else!. End of story!.

and HE IS JUST A MO FO JERK i loved it when she punched him, she should have to a crowbar to his freeking @$$ he is such a fattie! i got a shirt from zazzle that says JACOB STINKS TEAM EDWARD

ugh my hate for him is unfathomable he is such a b****Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob Black is the only good character in the book!. He's not all bad and he's not all good, either!. Until, you know, in Eclipse, when he became this creepy dude who threatened suicide!.
Bella is a player!. She flirted with him to get information in Twilight, then used him as a means of having a guy in her life in New Moon, then subsequently dropped him in Eclipse when her boyfriend came back!. I mean, no wonder the guy was so messed up in the last one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's not making Bella seem like a player!. Bella IS a player!. She led him on Twilight, fell in love with him in New Moon and led him on, then dumped him on his *** in Eclipse!. Don't you understand why he fell in love with her!? She led him on! She made him feel like there was more to the relationship!. She let him touch her and cuddle with her and hold hands with her!. She led him on!. She HELPED him fall in love with her!. He more or less saved her life then she turned around and basically stabbed him in the back!. ONE last time so you people will get it through your head: BELA LED JAKE ON IN NEW MOON!. She LET Jacob do everything he did!. She didn't stop him!. IT IS JUST AS MUCH BELLA'S FAULT AS IT IS JACOB'S, AND TO BLAME IT ALL ON JAKE IS UNFAIR!. She was a jerk to him!. He can't help how he feels about her!. BELLA is more to blame for what happened than anyone else; Jake flat out told her she could have him bad boy style or not at all!. He told her to choose!. SHE is the one who CHOSE to pursue the relationship!. So it's more her fault than Jake's!.

Jacob doesn't do what he does because he's selfish or mean!. He does what he does because he wants what's best for Bella, and he wants more for her than to become a vampire!. He wants her to grow up and have kids and be able to stay with her family and friends!. He wants her to just be Bella!. He's trying to save the life of his best friend!. He's only a jerk when Bella or Edward has done something to hurt him!. Jake's way of dealing with pain is by being sarcastic or losing his temper; he's not naturally a jerk!. It's not in his nature to be mean!. Being mean is his way of dealing with pain!. That's not uncommon-- there are a lot of people out there who deal with pain by being sarcastic or by being mean to people around them!. Does it make it right!? No, but it makes it understandable!. My way of dealing with pain is by being cruelly sarcastic, so I relate with Jake in that way!.

Jacob wants to be with Bella!. Of course he does-- he loves her!. It's only natural to be with those you love!. But his main goal was always to save her life!. Winning her heart would have just been a bonus to him!. As he says in the epilogue of Eclipse, he can handle knowing Bella chose Edward!. He can handle knowing she's with a different guy!. What he can't handle is knowing she's going to become a vampire!. Even if she would have decided to stay human but stay with Edward, he would have been happy!. He just wanted to save her life!. (Stephenie Meyer has said that too, so it's true)!.

It sounds like you don't understand Jacob's perspective at all!. It sounds like you don't understand why he did what he did in Eclipse!. People who hate Jake usually don't!. Please, please, read this!. Stephenie Meyer wrote it!. It's called "Being Jacob Black" and it gives you Jacob's perspective throughout Twilight and New Moon!. If you read it, I guarantee you won't hate him as much!.

I FREAIN know how you feel!
I was actually getting annoyed that he did make Bella seem like a player! I didn't like some of New Moon because of him!.
I also finished eclipse and I love the book but not as much cause of jacob!
Perferly I like twilight the best cause the stupid dog isn't in it!.
I also share your hope in the next book!.
Mostly I hate that he confuses Bella in a bad way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get over it!.
yeah, she looks like a player cos she is!.
he likes her just as much as edward does, he has just as much right to try to win her!. just because he doesnt have breathtaking good looks does not mean that he is not as good as edward! he can give her a future! a proper one, where she is happy, she can be herself!
so he does not need to die, i thik she should choose jacob and edward should bow out gracefully!


i really dont like him!.
i was very upset when he told bella that he was gonna go die if she didnt kiss him!. i thought that was unnessacary!
and then when he just decided to kiss her when she clearly didnt want to kiss him!? what was up with that!?
at least she chose edward! <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know about "detest," but i definitely don't like the jerk!. he is a bit annoying and what's up with the whole, "kiss me or i'm going to die on purpose during the fight" thing!? seriously, is he that pathetic!? he just needs to grow up and come to terms with the fact that bella loves edward more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey chill chill
Jacob won't die in breaking dawn but he will imprint!.

He will imprint on jessica stanley in breaking dawn!.Stephenie Meyer made a "Breaking dawn prediction"-list and prediction number 3 is "Jacob Black finally imprints on Jessica Stanley"

So chill he won't kill edward or sumthing!.!.i think he'll end up happyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!. He doesn't make Bella seem like anything she isn't!. I don't feel this strongly one way or another, but to take him out of the books would be to rewrite the entire saga!. What sort of conflict would there be without him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I think he's the most misunderstood character!. I much prefer him to the hairy powdered donut:http://sweettangerine50!.files!.wordpress!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I kind of hate him too!. He was sweet in Twilight, but he's changed into a jerky, liar, STUPID person!. I kind of hope he's not in the book!. haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree i can stand him he is just so anoying cant he understand that Bella is more than happy Edward and ugh just so annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't detest him!.
but he also isn't my favorite character!.
he made me angry when he just kissed Bella & then when he tricked her into asking him kiss her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked him in New Moon but he turned into an arrogant jerk in Eclipse!. I don't know if I want him to die (unless its either him or Edward) but it would be nice if he just didn't phase back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I hate him!. He's evil!. I want him to die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't stand him!!! I hate him so much!
Edward was there first and he HAS to stay! They HAVE to get married and turn her into a vampire! If not, I will be sooooo angry!!!!
DEATH TO JACOB!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight in general :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I lovelovelove Jake!. =OOOWww@QuestionHome@Com

meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! he"s ******** he is!.!.!.!. i just want her to be with edwardWww@QuestionHome@Com