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Question: Bad choice for twilight movie!?
i think the cast of twilight is great even edward as rob pattinson a!.k!.a!. spunk ransom and bella too !. if not who dont u lik and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all Beckie!.:D needs to chill!.!.!.!.

Second at first I didn't like Rob Pattinson (aka Spunk Ransom when I heard that interview I laughed so hard) he didn't seem right to me but then he grew on me and as i started to watch more interviews and the trailers I realized he was really good!!! So I love the casting now!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the choices are perfect rob is the best character to play edward and i cant think of anyone else to play bella!kristen is perfect to but if there was anyone else to play bella i would pick Alexis spedel but shes a little old but kristen is perfect
i cant wait but the scenes are totally not the same as the book!. like when bella asked edward how old he was it was supposed to be in the CAR!
when he saved her in port angles
and when she says "im not afraid of you" that scene is supposed to be when he tackles her in his room onto the couch!. instead he grabes her and throws her on his back and runs into the forest !
its in the twilight teasers there all wrong =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight MOVIE is a movie!. The question belongs in the MOVIE section!. Over the weekend, YA took down all these questions!. Gone!. They belong in the MOVIE section!. And like Becca said - this is reported!. Robert Pattinson is an ACTOR NOT A CHARACTER IN A BOOK!. If you post your questions in the proper section, they will not get reported!. Simple huh!? Please follow Guidelines!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) I hate their casting director!.

2) It's going to be a terrible movie!. Half the book was emotions and thoughts, not dialogue and actions - things that make up movies!.

3) This may be about a book being turned into a movie, but it is ABOUT A MOVIE!. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the book!. So yes, this is in the wrong section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella is paler than edward(lol) edward isn't as hot as i thought he was going to be!. bella doesn't look like the bella i thought she was she looks like she is going to murder edward(lol) she loks kinda mean but when she takes pictures she doesn't look mean in the movie she doesWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes!.!. that girl has a problem because this DOES deal with a book because we're comparing!.!.!. and no i dont think they're right!.!. i dont think ANY of the cullens look how they should except maybe carlisle!.!. Edawrd!.!. idk!.!.!. robert pattison just doesnt seem like him!.!.!. and the girl that plays bella doesnt look like her!.!.!.!. she looks mean!.!. not clumbsy and innocent/:
the only ones im pleased with are Billy and James!.!.
Charlie also does NOT look right!.!. it dissapoints me to no endWww@QuestionHome@Com

bella b/c in the book she is supposed to look innocent and nice!. but kristen stewart looks mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong section!.

that girl who reported you is a moron!.!.!.twilight is a BOOK being made into a movie

anyways can't wait to see the movieWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is so related to books!. Twilight is a book!. Being made into a movie!. Whats your problem!?

Go team Edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com