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Question: Books!? anything good!?
alrighty!. so i got this assignment over the summer!. where i have to do this book report type thing!. i don't really like any of the books that are on the list!. since i don't have to use them!. I can choose my own!. i was curious if you all knew any good ones that are over 150 pages long!. please and thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Twilight Series - By Stephanie Meyer
{-New Moon-}
and coming out soon
{-Breaking Dawn-}
^^This is an amazing series based on a romance between a vampire and a human!. Sounds corny, but its amazing!. I know, because I am officially addicted!.

The Dark Is Rising Series - By Susan Cooper
{-Over Sea, Under Stone-}
{-The Dark Is Rising-}
{-The Grey King-}
{-Silver on the Tree-}
^^Great!. I got given a paperback copy of the series, and I had to go out and buy a hardback one because the paperback one began falling apart because of the number of times I read it!. Based on something called the circle, and the battle between light and dark!.

The Black Magician Trilogy - By Trudi Canavan
{-The Magician's Guild-}
{-The High Lord-}
^^About a slum girl who finds she had magic, and then has to join the magicians guild!. But she doesn’t want to, and ther are a lot of complication!. Great Series!.

The Age of the Five - By Trudi Canavan
{-Priestess of the White-}
{-Last of the Wilds-}
{-Voice of the Gods-}
[this series isn't finished yet]
^^Now this is hard to explain… But trust me, its great! Can’t wait till the rest come out!.

The Chronicles of Narnia - By C!.S!. Lewis
{-The Magician’s Nephew-}
{-The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe-}
{-The Horse and His Boy-}
{-Prince Caspian-}
{-The Voyage of the Dawn Treader-}
{-The Silver Chair-}
{-The Last Battle-}
^^Now while some might call this a little kids book, I still consider it one of the best series ever written!. Trust me on that!. I have read it so many times I can quote from it!.

The Uglies - By Scott Westerfeld
^^Looking at the title, this isn’t something I’d normally choose, but it is really good, and not as shallow as the title suggests!.

Wideacre Trilogy - By Philippa Gregory
{-The Favoured Child-}
^^This trilogy is about a patch of land called Wideacre… Well, its very good!. Just trust me on that!.

The Tudor Series - By Philippa Gregory
{-The Other Boleyn Girl-}
{-The Queen’s Fool-}
{-The Virgin’s Lover-}
{-The Constant Princess-}
{-The Boleyn Inheritance-}
{-The Other Queen-}
[this is not a series, just a set of books set in the same time]
^^Have you seen the film, the Other Boleyn Girl!? Well, this is where it came from! And the book is crap compared to the film in my view!. Philippa is an amazing writer!.

Alpha Force - By Chris Ryan
{-Desert Pursuit-}
{-Red Centre-}
{-Blood Money-}
{-Fault Line-}
{-Black Gold-}
^^A very good set of action, adventure books!. Not quite the usual turn on things, and very good books!.

CHERUB - By Robert Muchamore
{-The Recruit-}
{-Class A-}
{-Maximum Security-}
{-The Killing-}
{-Divine Madness-}
{-Man Vs!. Beast-}
{-The Fall-}
{-Mad Dogs-}
{-The Sleepwalker-}
and coming out soon
{-The General-}
^^An organisation which trains kids to be secret agents… Need I say more!? Well, it might be a bit more aimed at kids, but it is really very good!.

Alexander Trilogy - By Valerio Massimo Manfredi
{-Alexander: Child of a Dream-}
{-Alexander: Sands of Ammon-}
{-Alexander: Ends of the Earth-}
^^A story about Alexander the Greats life!. Very good!. Incorporates mystical sides and everything!. My favourite author!. I actually recommend everything by him!.

Ring Trilogy - By Koji Suzuki
^^Ever seen the movie The Ring!? Well, this is where they got it from!. But the books are WAY better!. And is has a different twist in the sequels!. Very good!.

Maximum Ride Series – By James Patterson
{-Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment-}
{-Maximum Ride: School’s Out Forever-}
{-Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports-}
{-Maximum Ride: The Final Warning-}
^^A girl and her "flock"(five other kids) have wings and have to save the world!. Action, a bit of romance… And for all the girls out there with voices in our heads, we can relate to Max ^_^

The Inheritance Cycle - By Christopher Paolini
and coming out soon
^^One of the only good dragon stories I know!. So many get too… Well, animalistic!. This is very good, and well!. A good read!.

Battle Royale - By Koushun Takami
^^Oooooooo!. Now I find this one of my favourite books ever!. A Japanese class gets taken off to an island, and told they must kill each other, until only one person remains!. If they do not kill each other, they all die!. And we even get a bit of romance!. Aww!.

The Book Thief - By Markus Zusak
^^How to describe this… I don’t know how!. But I have limited describing skills!. So trust me when I say that a book written from the view point of Death is a good one!.


I have very mixed tastes!. Historical, Fantasy, Action, Romance, Horror!.!.!. So there is something of everything in there!. I personally would encourage you to read all of them, but I think that might just be a little bit hard ^_^

Have fun reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray are great books!.
1st book- A Great and Terrible Beauty
2nd book- Rebel Angels
3rd book- The Sweet Far Thing
These books have a variety of different themes intertwined-fantasy,romance, and action!.
Here's Libba Bray's website that will tell you about the books:
You do the project on the first one, A Great and Terrible Beauty, if you like it enough you could read the others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley
Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk
I wonder when you'll miss me by Amanda Davis
The Amazing of Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

To find these books and more at you local library, visit www!.worldcat!.org!.

Happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everlost, The Schwa Was Here, or Unwind by Neal Shusterman is good!.

Cirque du Freak series by Darren Shan is amazing if you like vampires!.

So Yesterday, Peeps (if you like vampires), or Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

I Am the Messenger or Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr is amazing, I couldn't put it down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

recently I've read Shabanu, the story of a teenage girl in the middle east,
Sweetblood, about a girl with diabetes who thinks she's a vampire,
The Devil's Arithmetic, about a Jewish girl who travels back in time to the holocaust!.!.!.!.

good luck, I hope you find a good one!.!.!.!.but I would pass on the twilight series and just watch the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really really like Eragon, but its quite long!.!.!. well not to me, because I enjoy longer books, but its really good!.

The person above me said a good book, I've read 13 little blue envelopes, and thats really good too!. That would be a good reading assignment book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would help if we knew what kinds of books you like!.
My personal favorites are the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer!. I also like Scott Westerfeld and Libba Bray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

plzzzzzz read the Twilight series!. It would be sooooooooo easy for me to book report on those bcuz they r sooooooo goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

a thousand splendid sunsWww@QuestionHome@Com

u should try reading the OZ series Frank Baum!. Its a long series of books but its really colorful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are good report books, all over 150
Pride and Prejudice
reminds me very much of Twilight *and Shadowland, the first mediator book*

Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes
After a girl's favorite aunt dies she recieves a letter with plane tickets to europe and thirteen little blue envelopes, each envelope has a task on it that she must complete before opening the next envelope

Hex Education
A book about a girl who moves to a small little town and she finds out she's a witch, her and her coven have to find an evil witch and save the town!. Comedy

The Maximum ride series
A girl and her "flock"(five other kids) have wings and have to save the world!. By James Patterson, a huge adult writer!. Your parents probably love him There's a lot of action, the narration is awesome, and theres a little romance

The Queen Geek Social club
A book about a girl, her robot and a club for girsl who just don't fit in

the Inkheart series
A girl and her father can read things out of books!. Fantasy!. A book for booklovers

Mermaid Park by Beth Mayall
A girl starts working at a mermaid park for the summerwhen she can't handle living with her verbally abusive stepfather, and pathological liar of a sister!. *EXTREMELY GOOD*

The possibility of Fireflies
A story about a girl who lives with her abusive mother and struggling sister *MOTIVATIONAL, about to be made into a movie*

Flush by Carl Hiasen
A really good book, very similar to Hoot but about a guy who has to prove that a casino boat is dumping its wastes into the bay in the florida keys

Pretty Little Devils
A horror story about a girl who gets excepted into a popular clique, and people start dying!. Really awesome, not really scary

Anything by Amelia At-water Rhodes
she writes a lot of Vampire stories
she started publishing when she was a teen
i liked the first three or four but i felt
as she developed as a writer she started
getting a tad too vampire loving

Blood and Chocolate
a book about werewolves
by other friend who likes
Vampire books reccomended this
to me like a billion times
it is also a movie

To catch a pirate by Jade Parker
I read this book in three hours, set in the 1700s!. Hard to explain but awesome!. About a girl who pretends to be a privateer to catch the pirate that stole a kiss from her and landed her father in a caribbean jail!. Pirates!. Love!. Comedy!. Action!. Treasure!. Awesome!.

The Vampire Diaries
A series about a girl who falls in love with a good vampire who has an evil twin!. Very similar to Twilight!.

here is a site that will help a lot too

also if there is a book you liked and you want something similar to it this website would be good for you http://whatshouldireadnext!.com/searchWww@QuestionHome@Com