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Question: Acknowledgment vs dedication!?
Can you tell me the differences between an acknowledgment and a dedication!? also, does it make sense to both dedicate a document to someone and then acknowledge them in the same document!.

Thank you for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I always took it to so that acknowledgments were reserved for people who helped out with the book in some way or another (editing, moral support, etc) and a dedication was to whomever you would like it to be dedicated to, whether they're your mom, your cat, or your best friend!. And yes, you can dedicate something to someone while also mentioning them in the acknowledgments!. For example, you may dedicate a book to your spouse, but acknowledge them for being your moral support and putting up with you when you got uber-stressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com