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Question: CAN'T WAIT to read breaking dawn!?!!?!!?!!?
I think i'm not the only girl who could go crazy because she hasn't read Breaking dawn yet!But i know y'all feel the same -hehe-

But til 2nd august I want you to tell my mind!.My toughts about breaking dawn and what I think is going to happen!
So first:Jake of course will return home
second:Bella will finally merry edward
third:The volturi will crash their wedding
fourth:Jake will try (again) to win Bellas heart
fifth:He'll imprint on another girl
sixth:Something will happen to Billy
seventh:Bella WON'T turn inrto a vamp
and eighth: Jacob and Edward will fight against eachother

What do YOU think bout that!? ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well actually I have to disagree with the seventh one!. I do think that Bella will turn into a vampire!. I think this because Edward promised that if she married him he would turn her into a vampire!. But other than that, the others and really good predictions!. But I guess we'll have to wait and see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I'm not excited about it coming out!. I will read it however--I don't know why but I will!.

I like how you said that Bella won't turn into a vampire! Not very many fans will admit that!. I feel like it's inevitable but I wish she wouldn't turn into a vampire either!. I think it's just a waste of being human!. She should enjoy the other experiences of being a human--and no, not the one she wants to enjoy only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that that sounds good!. i havent thought about the possibility of the volturi crashing the wedding!. i alwqays thought that jacob and the wolves or mike wouldWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with everything
but i do think Bella will turn into a vampire
only becuse its the last in the series (besides mid night sun [edwards point of view-duh]) and they want to be together forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry I disagree on the seventh one
I want Bella to turn into a vampire!!!!!!
I think a lot of readers would be disappointed if she didntWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.!.!.i would have never thought of the volturi theory!.!.!.good one!
but the seventh theory is scetchy for me!.!.!.i think she will become a vampire for sure :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i disagree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree with the sixth; how do you figure!?

We'll just have to wait and see!.!.!.I'm so excited!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!.
Jacob will be gone for a while longer that wont be the first thing, have you read the first chapter!?

Bella and Edward will be married, but there is no way it will go smoothly!.!.!.not sure if it will be the Volturi to crash just yet though, I think someone new will be introduced in Breaking Dawn

Jacob WILL TRY! TRY but not succeed! He will imprint elsewhere!.!.!.!.maybe on a vampire!!? I'm thinking Tanya!!?!!?

I wont be distraught if Billy dies or gets hurt, I hate to see Charlie suffer over one of his closest friends, but he not a major character to me!.!.!.

Bella will defiantly go through the transformation, [1] Edward promised her, as long as she would marry him!. [2] The Volturi we [a] harm, or kill her [b] they will do it themselves and hold her hostage or something!.

Jacob and Edward fighting hmmm!.!.!.definite possibility! Good theory, from an interview I know Edward wont die, so if it does happen I'm not worried!. Jacob is stupid if he tries to fight Edward!. He will lose! And I wont be sad, I mean I DO NOT like Jacob, but I do want to see him happy!.!.!.but I mean if he dies from his own stupidity, its his own fault!.!.!.

IM SOOOO excited about the book!! 10 days!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think i'm so set on reading it, i gave up my 8 hour shift that saturday, just so i can stay up all night reading :)

you pretty much share the same ideas as myself! I think Bella will be turned into a vampire though!. everyone in eclipse is speculating about her future 'abilities' if she becomes a vampire, so i don't think stephenie will dissappoint her millions of fans!. :P

plus, most twilighters really want her to become like edward, so they can be in love for eternity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com