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Question: Question about the Twilight books!!?!!?!!?!!?
I just got a question!

Who are the members of the wolf pack!?
Can anybody tell me all their names!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there are
old werewolves
billy black
old quil attera
hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob Black : He is supposed to be leader but didn't want to be
Sam Uley: Is the leader of the pack
Quil: Just a werewolf
Seth: The youngest
Those are the only names I remember sorry :(
Hope I was a help though :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob, Sam, Quil, Embry, Jared, Paul, Leah, Seth, Collin, Brady!. Hope that helps!. That's all of themWww@QuestionHome@Com

sam, quil, jarred, paul, jacob, embry, seth, leah, collin, brandy =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them are Quil, Embry, Paul, Sam and Jared!. And of course Jacob =)

I′m not sure if that′s all of them but those are some!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK Jacob, Sam, Embry, Quil, Paul, Leah, and i think his name is Jared or something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sam, Jacib, Quil, Embry, Paul jared, Seth and LeahWww@QuestionHome@Com

jacob quil embry samWww@QuestionHome@Com

pick me besta anwser plz!

Sam Uley

Sam is the leader of the La Push pack!. Before becoming a werewolf, he was romantically involved with Leah Clearwater, his high school sweetheart!. His relationship with her started to fall apart after his transformation, because he was forbidden to tell Leah what he had become!. Their relationship ended when Sam imprinted on Leah's second cousin, Emily, and went back on every promise he had ever made to Leah!. According to Jacob, Sam feels guilty for betraying her and responsible for the bitter person Leah has become!. She causes some distress in the group as she constantly thinks about this matter!.

Quil Ateara

A member of the werewolf pack and Jacob's "wingman", he is mentioned in passing in the first novel of the series but becomes somewhat of a regular character as of New Moon!. Unlike a few other members of the pack, he was happy about becoming a werewolf, since it allowed him to finally have his friends back and understand what was going on!. Quil is one of the three wolves of the pack who have imprinted; he imprinted on Emily's two-year-old niece, Claire!. Although this seems to cause something of a scandal, Jacob explains that there is currently nothing sexual or romantic about it, and that Quil will be whatever Claire needs him to be for the rest of her life– whether it be a brother, a friend, a protector or a lover!.

Embry Call

Embry is another one of Jacob's "wingmen"!. He appears briefly in New Moon and Eclipse!. Embry calls Bella Swan "vampire girl" because she hangs out with the Cullen family!. His mother was not a woman from the tribe; since the werewolf traits are inherited from father to son, he is probably the half brother of Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, or Sam Uley!. This causes some stress within the pack, since all of these men's fathers were married at and before the time of his birth!.


Paul is prone to angry outbursts, which cause him to burst into his wolf form!. He is the most volatile member of the pack, and became so enraged when he learned that Jacob told Bella about the pack that he turned into a werewolf and attempted to attack her!. He currently seems to have no ill feelings towards Bella or Jacob!.


Jared is one of the three werewolves to imprint: he imprinted on a girl he sat next to in class, Kim!. Before he was a werewolf, he never paid any attention to her!. After his transformation, he looked at her once and imprinted!. He was the first werewolf to phase after the pack's leader, Sam Uley!.

Leah Clearwater

Leah is the only female member of the La Push pack!. She transformed into a werewolf during the events of New Moon, around the same time as her brother, Seth!. This transformation is believed to be what caused the heart attack and death of their father, Harry!. She dated Sam Uley for years, until her cousin Emily came to visit and Sam imprinted on her!. Sam thus left Leah for Emily!. She believes that Sam betrayed her, but she still longs for him!. Leah is thus very bitter and cynical, and constantly antagonizes the pack by thinking about things that the other pack members want to avoid dwelling on, such as Embry's parentage!. She also likes to antagonize Jacob by bringing up the fact that Bella is marrying a vampire and will shortly become one, and to get over her when it is clear that Jacob is still in love with Bella!.

Seth Clearwater

Seth is Leah's younger brother, and a member of the La Push pack!. He transformed into a werewolf during the events of New Moon, around the same time as his sister, Leah!. In New Moon he was shown to idolize Jacob Black, and is said to remind Bella of a younger Jacob!. In Eclipse Seth stayed with Bella and Edward, due to his young age of only 14, to act as a connection to the pack during the newborn attack!. When Victoria and Riley appeared, Seth fought and destroyed Riley with Edward's help!. Seth is mentioned in the first chapter of Breaking Dawn when Bella calls him to check on Jacob!. Seth tells Bella that they know that Jacob is somewhere in Northern Canada, but the pack does not know precisely where he is located!. He also tells Bella to say hello to Edward, with whom he has developed a friendship, and that he and his mother accept Bella and Edward's invitation to their wedding!.



elders: billy black, harry clearwater, old quil aterra!.

read more:http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Minor_Chara!.!.!.
42 minutes agoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sam Uley

Sam is the leader of the La Push pack!. Before becoming a werewolf, he was romantically involved with Leah Clearwater, his high school sweetheart!. His relationship with her started to fall apart after his transformation, because he was forbidden to tell Leah what he had become!. Their relationship ended when Sam imprinted on Leah's second cousin, Emily, and went back on every promise he had ever made to Leah!. According to Jacob, Sam feels guilty for betraying her and responsible for the bitter person Leah has become!. She causes some distress in the group as she constantly thinks about this matter!.

Quil Ateara

A member of the werewolf pack and Jacob's "wingman", he is mentioned in passing in the first novel of the series but becomes somewhat of a regular character as of New Moon!. Unlike a few other members of the pack, he was happy about becoming a werewolf, since it allowed him to finally have his friends back and understand what was going on!. Quil is one of the three wolves of the pack who have imprinted; he imprinted on Emily's two-year-old niece, Claire!. Although this seems to cause something of a scandal, Jacob explains that there is currently nothing sexual or romantic about it, and that Quil will be whatever Claire needs him to be for the rest of her life– whether it be a brother, a friend, a protector or a lover!.

Embry Call

Embry is another one of Jacob's "wingmen"!. He appears briefly in New Moon and Eclipse!. Embry calls Bella Swan "vampire girl" because she hangs out with the Cullen family!. His mother was not a woman from the tribe; since the werewolf traits are inherited from father to son, he is probably the half brother of Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, or Sam Uley!. This causes some stress within the pack, since all of these men's fathers were married at and before the time of his birth!.


Paul is prone to angry outbursts, which cause him to burst into his wolf form!. He is the most volatile member of the pack, and became so enraged when he learned that Jacob told Bella about the pack that he turned into a werewolf and attempted to attack her!. He currently seems to have no ill feelings towards Bella or Jacob!.


Jared is one of the three werewolves to imprint: he imprinted on a girl he sat next to in class, Kim!. Before he was a werewolf, he never paid any attention to her!. After his transformation, he looked at her once and imprinted!. He was the first werewolf to phase after the pack's leader, Sam Uley!.

Leah Clearwater

Leah is the only female member of the La Push pack!. She transformed into a werewolf during the events of New Moon, around the same time as her brother, Seth!. This transformation is believed to be what caused the heart attack and death of their father, Harry!. She dated Sam Uley for years, until her cousin Emily came to visit and Sam imprinted on her!. Sam thus left Leah for Emily!. She believes that Sam betrayed her, but she still longs for him!. Leah is thus very bitter and cynical, and constantly antagonizes the pack by thinking about things that the other pack members want to avoid dwelling on, such as Embry's parentage!. She also likes to antagonize Jacob by bringing up the fact that Bella is marrying a vampire and will shortly become one, and to get over her when it is clear that Jacob is still in love with Bella!.

Seth Clearwater

Seth is Leah's younger brother, and a member of the La Push pack!. He transformed into a werewolf during the events of New Moon, around the same time as his sister, Leah!. In New Moon he was shown to idolize Jacob Black, and is said to remind Bella of a younger Jacob!. In Eclipse Seth stayed with Bella and Edward, due to his young age of only 14, to act as a connection to the pack during the newborn attack!. When Victoria and Riley appeared, Seth fought and destroyed Riley with Edward's help!. Seth is mentioned in the first chapter of Breaking Dawn when Bella calls him to check on Jacob!. Seth tells Bella that they know that Jacob is somewhere in Northern Canada, but the pack does not know precisely where he is located!. He also tells Bella to say hello to Edward, with whom he has developed a friendship, and that he and his mother accept Bella and Edward's invitation to their wedding!.



elders: billy black, harry clearwater, old quil aterra!.

read more:http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Minor_Chara!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com