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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Something REALLY interesting about Breaking dawn?!?!?!?

Question: Something REALLY interesting about Breaking dawn!?!!?!!?!!?
I just saw on photobucket 5 pictures about "Breaking Dawn prediction"!.Each picture is a prediction about breaking dawn!.

Prediction #1:Jacob will finally imprint on Jessica Stanley
Prediction #2:Fan girls all over the world will start crying the moment Edward says 'I do'
Prediction#3:Bella is going to have 7 breakdowns in the entire book
Prediction#4:Finally after 104 years Edward's going to lose his virginity!.
Prediction#5:Wedding crasher's

I mean OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!What do you think about that!.I'm going o freak out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

im a bit scared for #5, IT BETTER NOT BE THE VOLTURI!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward isn't 104!.
As the day for Breaking Dawn to be released comes closer, people will be saying false rumors about it!.
Don't believe everything you read online!.
If Breaking Dawn books were released early, believe me people will know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

number one would suck cause jacob deserves someone better than HER>

number two is probably going to happen

number three is impressive i mean she only had about three or four in new moon and about the same in eclipse!.

number four will make this book amazing

number five i hope it happens cause its gonna be hilariousWww@QuestionHome@Com

weenie it won't be the volturi that was is so predictable it is going to be jacob saying i object duh!!!!! Where di u find those predictions plz tell me thanks i have some questions up u can go and look at them if u know!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

#1 Unknown: No word yet!.
#3 FALSE: She will have 7 by mid-way
#5 TRUE: I won't tell who but you will be surprised by who it is!
E-mail me with rumors and predictions and i will tell you if it is fact ot fake: hermione1796@yahoo!.com

You're silly enough to believe this, aren't you!? Shows just how desperate fangirls are for spoilers!. LuthienTWww@QuestionHome@Com

i hint sarcasm,,lmaoWww@QuestionHome@Com