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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need the copy of a page from the book The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz?

Question: I need the copy of a page from the book The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz!?
Can anyone type out the p!. 25 of the book The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz or link me to a site which has it! Or even better, if you have the book, can you scan the page so I can read it clearly!
If your book doesn't match up with mine, the starting of the page says:
'All that time,' Max said, 'he's collecting streetcar transfers!.!.!.!.!.

Please help me out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can find excerpts like this on Amazon!.com (go to the page selling the book then click "Search inside this book" under the cover image)!. Google Books also allows it!. The publishers allow it for publicity etc!., it's not illegal!. Just so you'll know next time a page is missing from a book!.

That quote didn't begin on page 25 in this edition, so I put a larger section of text below to be sure it was all included!. Hope it's enough!.
"All that time," Max said, "he's collecting streetcar transfers off the street and selling them, see!. Nerve!? Nerve!. At three cents apiece he's up a quarter in two hours, and then what!? He walks right in that door, MacDonald, right past where you're standing, and into the back room!. There, with only a quarter in his pocket, he sits in on the rummy game!. Win!? He's worked his stake up to ten bucks in no time!. And what does he do next!?"
"Buy a gun and shoot himself!."
"I got it!. He donates the ten to the Jewish National Fund!."
Max smiled indulgently!. He blew on his coffee!. "Around the corner he goes to Moe's barbershop and plunk goes the whole ten-spot on a filly named Miss Sparks running in the fifth at Belmont!. On the nose, but!. And you guessed it, MacDonald, Miss Sparks comes in and pays eleven to one!. The Boy Wonder picks up his loot and goes to find himself a barbotte game!. Now you or me, MacDonald, we'd take that hundred and ten fish and buy ourselves a hat, or a present for the wife maybe, and consider ourselves lucky!. We mere mortals, we'd right away put some of it in the bank!. Right!? Right!. But not the Boy Wonder!. No, sir!."
Max dropped a sugar cube onto his tongue and took some time sucking the goodness out of it!.
"Picture him, MacDonald, a twenty-nine-year-old boy from St!. Urbain Street and he's not even made his name yet!. All night he spends with those low-lifes, men who would slit their mother's throat for a lousy nickel!. Gangsters!. Graduates of St!. Vincent de Paul!. Anti-Semites, the lot!. If he loses, O!.K!., but if he wins -- If he wins, MacDonald!? Will they let that little St!. Urbain Street punk Jerry Dingleman leave with all their money!? He's up and he's down, and when he's up a lot the looks he gets around the table are not so nice!." Max cleared his throat!. "Another coffee, please, Eddy!."
But Eddy had already poured it!. For, at this point in the transfer story, Max always ordered coffee!.
"Imagine him, MacDonald!. It's morning!. Dawn, I mean, like at the end of a film!. The city is awakening!. Little tots in their little beds are dreaming pretty little dreams!. Men are getting out of bed and catching sh!t from their wives!. The exercise boys are taking the horses out!. Somewhere, in the Jewish General Hospital let's say, a baby is born, and in the Catholic Hospital -- no offense, MacDonald -- some poor misguided nun has just died of an abortion!. Morning, MacDonald, another day!. And the Boy Wonder, his eyes ringed with black circles, steps out into God's sunlight -- that was before his personal troubles, you know -- and in his pocket, MacDonald, is almost one thousand de-is-ollers -- and I should drop down dead if a word of this isn't true!.

Are you kidding!?
I'd suggest you go to the library and look at a copy there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com