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Question: Need Catholic symbol for erotic novel!?
I am writing a erotic story where the Catholic Church is engaging in covered up sexual activities!. I want to have a symbol to be used to identify this cover-up!. Can anyone point the way to some less common symbols (i!.e!. not the fish, the cross, Chi-Rho) that might be possible to use in this way!? Ideally I would like this symbol to be something that could be displayed openly (i!.e!. on a ring, tie, clothing, tattoo, etc) by someone of either gender and any age range(Parent, Children, Singles)!. It also should be something that doesn't openly point at the Church or to sex, and won't totally stand out if a several people were in an area together with the symbol!. Any thoughts on what I can use for the story!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An eye is used in a lot of imagery, such as Masons, to signify an all-seeing God!.

also, three circles banded together to form an equilateral triangle, representing the three parts of the Trinity!.

Anchors refer to the fishing disciples, and Jesus' call to be a "fisher of men"Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol!.!.!. are you writing one of those cheesy love novels you can get at Hannaford!? lol!.!.!. jk!.

I don't really know, and I'm Catholic!.
I don't really agree with people going against the Catholic church like this (if you are or not) but who cares: it's just a book!.

Try these:

Water -
Elemental symbols were widely used by the early Christian church!. Water has specific symbolic significance for Christians!. Outside of baptism, water may represent cleansing or purity!. (Would be good for a phyco Christian doing the total oposite of what he believes in - but thinks he's doing the right thing!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

A tattoo on the face, ie a mole in the same place on every one!.

I just have to say this because it's the funniest thing I've heard about religion and sex!. When the church wanted people to cover up during sex they made these night shirts/dresses that covered the whole body(except the head) to have sex they put a hole in the area required, the hole is in the shape of a cross! How weird would it be to have sex through a cross!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ring with a dove on it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com