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Question: Ideas for a modern war story!?
Im trying to write a story for my English coursework!. i want it to be about a solider fighting in Afghanistan any ideas !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A British or American soldier!?

Sorry not sure about a story line - though I think it may be a good idea to steer away from obvious ones like blowing up politicians)!.

A hostage story may be good!.!.!. Might be a good idea to keep it an internal story as opposed to being about some gung-ho soldier too thick to know what he's really fighting for!. Or you could use this type of "stupid soldier" to portray the machination of young men into war, like a commentary on today's society!.

It's best to check out what else is out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What if he gets trapped in cave a make some type of gun to get out and then sells the gun to the bad guys to make a million bucks and then buys it back for half a million and the sells it again for like 6 million and then buys it back and this keeps going on until the USA gets on him and he fights the whole army with one gun!. Here is my idea for the gun!. Its a bazooka that shoots chain saws, and the chain saws explode into poison darts that home in on the face and goes up the nose to sick there poison into the blood stream and it turns the blood into acid that melts down the body into this type of metal that can be picked up and loaded into a chamber of the gun that makes another bullet so you never run out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terrorists just killed the president and a squad of soldiers is sent to kil that terrorst!.

haha, idk!. Modern war stories are all about betrayal and treachery!. put a bad guy in the US Government or something like that!.

hope this hepls! good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have him captured by the TalibanWww@QuestionHome@Com