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Question: Need Catholic symbol for book!?
I am writing a erotic story where the Catholic Church is engaging in covered up activities!. I want to have a symbol to be used to identify this cover-up!. Can anyone point the way to some less common symbols (i!.e!. not the fish, the cross, Chi-Rho) that might be possible to use in this way!? Ideally I would like this symbol to be something that could be displayed openly (i!.e!. on a ring, tie, clothing, tattoo, etc) by someone of either gender and any age range!. It also should be something that doesn't openly point at the Church, and won't totally stand out if a several people were in an area together with the symbol!. Any thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why don't you use a triangle for the trinity!? Father, Son, Holy Spirit!. Except don't make it a normal triangle!.


Monsignors on up wear rings!. Bishops and Cardinals, and of course the Pope, all wear rings, all available to be kissed during whatever Catholic rituals!. Yuck!. I went to parochial schools for twelve years and haven't been back to that church since the high school graduation ceremony!.
Still, I suggest rings!.

I assume those in the cover-up will be priests and acolytes, and the priests still wear black I think, with acolytes dressing up only during the ceremony they take part in!.

It is difficult to think of a pin suggesting Catholicism that isn't a crucifix or!.!.!. *hmm* maybe a small silver pin representing the virgin Mary as she's represented on a rosary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about a chalice and host!?

Maybe something that looks like the one on the first communion certificate on this page:

Or a monstrance!? (The crazy looking thing they put the host in for eucharistic adoration!.)

Possibly monstrance like this: