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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is 'A Great and Terrible Beauty' worth reading? Along with the sequels?

Question: Is 'A Great and Terrible Beauty' worth reading!? Along with the sequels!?
One of my best friends told me that 'A Great and Terrible Beauty' was a really good book when she was recommending some books to me!. I'd like to know your opinions and if you could please tell me what it's about and if it's worth buying and reading, along with the sequels!. Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, yes, yes, TIMES 1000! They are so worth it!. Completely worth reading if not buying, these books are so complex- the sequels are amazing and the characters are the best!. I own the series and read them over and over!. A must read!.
1st book- A Great and Terrible Beauty
2nd book- Rebel Angels
3rd book- The Sweet Far Thing
These books have a variety of different themes intertwined-fantasy,romance, and action!.
Here's Libba Bray's website that will tell you about the books:

My friend loves them too!. I only really liked the first one!.
A Great and Terrible Beauty is about a girl named Gemma who goes to a boarding school in England!. She has visions and can go to a separate world where she can talk to her dead mother!. She also has three best friends named Pippa, Felicity, and Ann, who help her find her mother's killer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're all very good books!. Libba Bray is a very good writer, and the characters are all well-constructed and relatable!. I think you'll definitely enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved the entire series!. it is defintely worth reading!. very romantic!.i loved itWww@QuestionHome@Com

The three books in the series are really worth it!. They have a great storyline to them and they keep your attention!. You definitely should get them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are all worth reading!. They are amazing! Definitely one of my favorite series :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i havent read the others but i liked a great and terrible beautyWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah they are really good :-) definitely worth buying to read them!


I've read AGTB and Rebel Angels!. Both are good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com