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Question: Opinions on meg cabot!?
apart from the fact that she's a heaps bad writer and writes too colloquially for my liking
but you know, I'm one of those losers that has picked up one of her books and is all like =D "corny love stories!!!"
and i really can't get enough of her writing
even though its shithouse

anyone else have opinions on her writing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really enjoy her books, especially the Princess Diaries books and the All-American books!. I haven't read the others though (I don't know which book it was, but I barely got through the beginning before getting bored out of my mind, therefore I stopped reading it)!. She's a good author, but she tends to get very wordy with the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been reading Meg Cabot for a long time and I really enjoy her books!. Though I will say I enjoyed the earlier Princess Diaries far more then the newer ones she is putting out!. But in general I find all the books I have read well written and I think they are fun for a lot of people to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love her!.She's my fave author!! I found her when I was watching The Princess Diaries and it said it was made after a book!.So I read it and soon became addicted to her writing!.Her character Samantha in All American Girl reminds me a bit of myself,though I can't recall ever having a bird try to eat my hair!. lol :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read TONS of her books, and I have loved all of them!. She is a really great writer for girls, and I love how she has her own blog/youtube videos!. The only problem I have with her is that the rest of the Avalon High books after book one are in MANGA, and I HATE Manga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really don't like Meg Cabot at all!. Her writing is terrible and her books have no plots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love her books, they are some of my favorites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com