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Question: Easy reading books suggestions!.!?
I really want to get into reading but I'm not a very good reader!. What's a good book I can enjoy!? I'm 23 and would prefer to stay away from books written for pre-teens!. I'm really into sci-fi and fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Truancy by Isamu Fukui (it's about a school system overrun by the totalitarian gov't of the City in a parallel dimension!. "Some kids were rebellious!.!.!."[tagline])

The Looking Glass Wars trilogy by Frank Beddor (An alice in Wonderland spin-off!. "Fantasy has just declared war on reality!.!.!."[tagline] GREAT book)

Beyond the Reflections Edge by Bryan Davis (i think that's his name!. I didn't like it too much!. It was too sci-fi-y for my taste!. You might though if you're into sci-fi)

The Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer (great for all ages, my best friends and their mom's have read them!. No joke!.)

The Host by Stephenie Meyer (this is like a totally tricked out version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers!. VERY sc-fi-y and VERY VERY cool!.)

?Graceful Little Alice?

Harry Potter by J!.K!. RowlingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Um, you could go to the Young Adult Section at your local library/bookstore and you'll find tons of stuff there!.

I'd recommend Scott Westerfeld, he's my favorite author!. Uh, you could also read the Lord of the Rings trilogy!? Maybe you'd like Michael Chrichton, he's written a lot of sci-fi novels that are pretty good!. How about Douglas Adams and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and the rest of the series)!?
I know The Host by Stephenie Meyer is also Sci-Fi, about invading bodies or something (I haven't read it, I only know about it because I'm a Twilighter!.!.!. heheh)!.

Here's a list compiled by Wikipedia of books in the Fantasy Genre (it's kind of really long, but you might find a title that catches your eye):

And a list of Sci-Fi Novels:

Soft sci-fi might be the way for you to go for now!. Soft sci-fi is science fiction without lots of in depth explanations for how things work or how they are!.

I suggest Ray Bradbury for you!. I had a hard time getting into science fiction books and I tried him and his works helped me ease into some of the more hard sci-fi stories like Heinlein!.

Some books by Bradbury I suggest for you are, The Martian Chronicles(short stories) and Something Wicked This Way Comes(fantasy novel)!.

You might also want to try The Hobbit by JR!.R!. Tolkien!. It's the prequel to The Lord of the Rings but is an easy to read book that's full of fun and adventure!.

Try reading these!. If you have trouble understanding words look them up in a dictionary!. Just be patient and enjoy yourself!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

kurt vonnegut is right up your alley (light & easy but very interesting)
Brave new world (aldous huxley)
a scanner darkly (phillip k!. dick)
fear and loathing in los vegas(hunter s!. thompson)
the naked lunch (william s burroughs)
tom clancy
robert ludlum(me no likey besides the Bourne series )
alice in wonderland is good
edward de bono (non fiction)(probably not your cup of tea)

i always liked "the history of !.!.!.(europe)" books for the truth of the thingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it would be a good idea if you went into the library rather than a bookshop!. You don't know what you'll be into so why buy a book when you don't know if you'll like it!. Have a look at the fantasy/sci-fi area and read the back of the book!.

The fantasy books I read are terry pratchetts discworld books
all of my friends who read, read these!. Me and most of my friends are in our 20'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it isn't sci-fi or fantasy, but The Perks Of Being a Wallflower is AMAZING!. It's only 213 pages and flows really well, so it's pretty easy to read!. I know it probably doesn't sound like the kinds of you usually read, but just give it a try :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight saga by Stephenie MeyerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go to and adult book store and see what they have inside for you!. or any bookstore ask for the adult sectionWww@QuestionHome@Com

well you dont have a avatar so i dont know if you are a boy or girl but if you are a girl "Dirty Money"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thursday Next books by Jasper FfordeWww@QuestionHome@Com

try harry potterWww@QuestionHome@Com