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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone else like the Morganville Vampire series and what else would you rec

Question: Does anyone else like the Morganville Vampire series and what else would you recommend!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love the Moragnville Vampire series! I think you should give these books a try!.!.!.!.

The Vampire Kisses series!. It's about a girl named Raven!. She's 16, an outcast, not to mention Gothic!. And not to make matters worse, she the only Goth in her whole town!. And her nemesis, Trevor, has a crush on her!. But were there's people around he calls her a Freak, Goth freak, etc!. And new family has moves to town and they move into the old empty creepy mansion on top of the hill!. Is there finally someone that Raven can relate to!?

Twilight!. Bella Swan decides to leave her sunny Phoenix, Arizona, to rainy Forks, Washington!. To live with her father, Charlie Swan!. At the first day of school she's all the buzz!. Everyone knows her name, and everyone clings to her trying to learn of the outside world of Forks!. At lunch she lands her eyes on the strange family, The Cullen's!. She takes interest in the youngest sibling, Edward!. But when in Bio, he does seem to like her at all!.

Daughters of the Moon: Goddess of the Night book 1!. Vanessa has always been normal!. But it's hard when you can become invisible!. But she is the only one that's different!. Catty travels back thought time!. Serena reads minds!. And Jimena has premonitions!. There's an evil force at work!. Can they band together and stop it from destroying the world!.

Got Fangs!. Fran's Mom is a Witch, and she's a freak!. It's so convenient that she's traveling with a freak show!. Her friend Imegon's brother is coming to visit!. And his a Dark one (Vampire)!. And when his arriving!.!.!.!.he runs Fran over with his Motorcycle!

Enjoy ^_^!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really enjoy the MV series!. If you're an older reader, I would reccomend Rachel Caine's Weather Wardens!.

Some other good reads are Wake, By Lisa McMann, anything LJ Smith, and anything Scott Westerfeld!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prsonally recomend THw twilight series, they are my personal favorite!. and they are also about vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend the Twilight series!.
they are so awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com