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Question: Do you know this teen series!?
i saw it at the library a few days ago, and now i've completely forgot the author!. i do believe the authors last name started with a C or D!. each of the books were a little different!. i think one was about a run away teen!. and if i remember correctly they were all supposed to be diaries!.
this author also had another series that had to do with colors!. i don't know what the books were about!. i remember there was one that was purple, and the word purple was in the title!. there was also green and white!.

if you know the name of the author or one of these series, that would be great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe you mean the 'Diary of a Teenage Girl' series by Melody Carlson!. She also has a series called 'TrueColors', all of which have a different colour in the title!.

Becoming Me (Diary of a Teenage Girl, Book 1)

Dark Blue - Color Me Lonely (TrueColors, Book 1)

Im not sure but ive heard of it!.
i think its a mytery novel
code orange was it!?
not sure but anyhow


plz anwser mine!?Www@QuestionHome@Com