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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone else think this about the Breaking Dawn quotes?

Question: Does anyone else think this about the Breaking Dawn quotes!?
Every single one that has been posted is from the chapter that the wedding will take place!.
I'm 99!.5% convinced they are!.
I haven't seen one that couldn't be wedding related yet!.
Haha does anyone agree/disagree with me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i know!. they all seem to be about the wedding!. but stephenie said they would purposefully be misleading so i don't know!. i don't think they would all be from the same chapter but i hope that the whole book doesn't revolve around wedding plans!. everyone wants to hear about bella as a vampire!. if she even gets changed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could be!. But that would mean!.!.!.


*shivers* Scary!.!.!.

But then would that mean Mike was at the wedding too!? Who knows!.!.!.I know it's supposed to be small, but Alice is sort of!.!.!.yeah!. Just so excited about the whole shebang, she might make it into a festival!. Renee's quote proves just that!.

"Alice wouldn't let us do anything else!. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out!."

Ah, Alice!. How we love you so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah that's what i think too!!!
or maybe SM's tricking us, it's a possibility!.!.!.
Tanya and Mike are going to be there!? hmmmm!.!.!.!.!.!.it may get a little awkward!.
Hey maybe Tanya and Mike will end up together!? hehe!. there's no way but, it would be odd and interesting!. I'm babbling aren't I!? I'm sorry,lol!. I'm way too excited for my own good!.i really love the quote when Bella asks what vampires do for bachelor parties, it made me laugh!. lame!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya I thought that one too!.

Boring quotes!. Really boring!. I love Alice's, anyway!.

And I would be very happy if Tanya would be in the wedding and try to crash it!. WOOHOO FOR TANYA!!! :) lol

And they haven't posted a Jacob quote yet!. How annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously doubt she picked quotes all from a singular location or event!.
Maybe we just want it all to be from the wedding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the wedding's the big moment everyone's been waiting for!. Meyer likes to make her fans happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com