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Question: Team edward or team jacob!!?
and why!?!

personally im team switzerland!
i LOVE edward but jacob is adorable!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward!! I mean think about it, Jacob is really selfish about the whole thing! He and Bella obviously aren't meant to be together or else he would imprint! And is he even thinking about how much it will break her heart if he does imprint and he has to leave her!? Bella and Edward are defiantly soul mates, I mean think about how much it broke Bella when Edward want's there! And now Jacob ran away and she is still perfect! not even a fraction as sad as she was when Edward left! Edward would do anything for Bella and i think that thats better then doing anything to GET Bella! And half of his affection is probably just because he wants to beat Edward because, if you recall in Eclipse, when Jacob finds out how understanding Edward was about the fact he and Bella kissed, he said, "Damn, he's better than I thought!." Wow!. I mean how insensitive can you get!? It has been proven Edward and Bella can't live without each other and the fact is, Jacob is just a replacement that Bella can't live without if Edward isn't there!. I truly hope your Team Edward now because I can just feel that he is the right choice for Bella, they were made for each other and Jacob was made for someone else!. End of story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


mostly because edward would do anything for bella!.!. including hurting himself by leaving becasue he thinks hes helping bella!.!.!. but since he cant read her mind he doesnt know it just about killed her!.!. =( so sad

and because all he wants is for bellla to be happy!.!. you heard him in eclipse!. he told jachob that if bella wanted to leave edward for jachob that edward would just let her go!.!. BUT since jachob is a freaky werewolf he could imprint on someone and leave bella then and only then would edward come back for bella!. he said he would be waiting, wishing for that to happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward!. He is sweet and really loves Bella!. You read it, he said, "On the way here I was thinking, if I wasn't here soon enough, how to kill myself!." He obviously loves her more than life its self! He is SLIGHTLY selfish AND he admits it, even to Bella, quote," Don't worry, we are notoriously selfish creatures!."
But Jake, he IS selfish but won't admit it! He hasn't imprinted on Bella!. He can say he has but Edward and the rest of the pack know he has NOT imprinted!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I'll get complicated here!. I am so Team Edward it's almost funny!.
I am team Edward because:
1!. He and Bella belong to eachother!.
2!.Even when he left, he left to help Bella
3!. He came back
4!.He was willing to kill himself b/c she was "dead"
5!. It hurts him ALOT whenever anyone brings up what he did to her when he left
6!. Jacob left her, even though he knew what it would do to Bella
7!. He acted like a jerk to her!.
8!. Yeah he came back, big whoop!. He was still a jerk when he came back!.
9!. He was willing to let Bella think he would kill himself if she didn't kiss him!.
10!. The first time he kissed her, he basically assaulted her!. He kissed her against her will and When she tried to make him stop, he just pushed harder!.
11!. Edward didn't want Bella to have to suffer the way he did!. He was selfless in the way that he couldn't live without her, but he didn't want to kill her just so she could be with him!.
12!. Edward is the better person of the two!. Yes, he has his flaws-who doesn't!?- but his are nowhere NEAR as bad as Jacob's!.
Edward is better for Bella, he is a better person and Vampires are better than werewolves anyway!. For these twelve reasons(and a few others) I am, and always will be, Team Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Why!? Because he's pretty, rich, perfect, and he SPARKLES!

Can't wait for BD!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob> hairy powdered donut:http://sweettangerine50!.files!.wordpress!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

obviosly jacob and bella arent ment to be together because!.!.!.

TEAM EDWARD because he and Bella belong together, no other explanation needed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm team switzerland as well b/c i looove edward in the book but the actor for jacob is so cute! i'm just undecided!.!.!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

EDWARD CULLENWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can't decide between Team I don't care or Team It's just a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

jaaaakeeeeeeeee <3333Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward duh!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this question was asked sooooooo many times!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

team whoever gets her lmaoWww@QuestionHome@Com