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Question: Help!. What should I write about!?
I put a little bit of my story on here, and people just trash it!. Their all like!.!.!. "It's about Vampires!. Oh no!" But that's the most I read about!. But they just say it sounds stupid!. It might needs some work done on it!. But they don't have to be so mean!. They could just say I'm not into that sort of thing!. I mean is that to much to ask!? But anyway what should I write about!. I'm afraid if I write what I like!.!.!.everyone's going to hate it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they probably think it's twilight based!. it does get annoying when peopel post books JUST LIKE TWILIGHT!. just ignore them because not everyone is going to like your book!. i've gotten the worst flames on my story, people have gone as far as saying that if i ever post the crap they want me to die!. but they are like 1 person!.
write what you write, anything!. for a vampire book, i say make it about a secret cult of vampires or [oh, i like this next one] a girl's boyfriend acidentally makes her a vampire and the next day he disappears so she has to grow up for the next 2 years as the only vampire in her city!.

i'd love to read your story!. i stink at critiques so i won't give you one!. and i promise i won't steal your storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's true that nobody wants to read about vampires anymore!. They think it's all a rip-off from somebody else's idea, and that's the real problem!. If you want to write, you need to come up with a new and creative idea, something that's unlike anything else that's popular!. That's the hard part!.

I can't really TELL you what to write about, but you should try reading a bigger variety of things, and not focusing on one subject!. That way you have lots to draw upon, and it will be easier to go on and not get stuck!.

You should still write whatever you think you can do best -- that's the important thing!. You should just try to make it as different as possible, and make it obvious that your story is different!. Even if you're writing about vampires, you can still change it up!. As long as your vampire doesn't take too much from somebody else's vampire!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think people mean to be mean, they just want to be honest!. It's no good asking people what they think but only being happy if they tell you it's brilliant!.

Perhaps you just need to come up with something more original; personally, I don't want to be reading about something I've already recently read about!. I want something new in the stories I read!.

You don't have to write what you read about, branch out and try something out!. Just use your imagination!. Or, you could branch out a little bit in your reading as well to give you more experience of other genres and styles to help you come up with something new!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you should worry about what people thinks,if you want to write about vampires then write about vampires! You know what!? I suppose they're thinking of plagium,i'm addicted to the twilight series and I love writing and i have a similar problem : all the subjects I'm interested in have all be taken!.!.even if i find the vampire world appealing i've decided not to write about it,in this moment we live the "vampire fever"! But if it is what you really want to write i think that you should,who cares what the others think!
You should write for yourself!.!.
I hope i've been helpful!.!. good luck!
Nadia :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, I hate those type of books!. Everyone writes about them!. I prefer off-beat more original books that make me think!. But as a writer, you should do what you're best at!. Don't try to change your style to fit other people's preferences!. If you want to write aboutr vampires, the hell with what everyone else thinks about it :) you can't please everyone so try to please yourself first!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that if you are going to write about vampires, then you should make your story different than all of the other vampire series--make it unique!. You could start this by developing your characters well, and using experiences that have happened to you before and developing them into your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Listen, WRITE WHAT YOU LIKE! I must not have noticed your story when you posted it on here!.!.!. post it again! I'll be watching for it this time!. Some people are just ready to bash anything!. Especially right now with all the Twilight craze!. While some people are just head over heels for it!.!.!.others are getting irritated that it's the only thing their friends can talk about!. Ignore them!. I'll be looking for your story!.

Don't change your writing style to please other people!. :) And never apologize for rambling!. Sometimes you just need to vent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anything except vampires and boy wizards

no one said you CAN'T write about these things, it's just that if you do everyone will say you're ripping off twilight/harry potter!. especially if it's a vampire romance or a wizard adventureWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's the beauty of being a writer!. A writer has the freedom to write whatever he or she wants to write about!. If that's what you choose to write, then go for it!

Just be sure to proof your work to correct spelling and grammar errors before submitting it anywhere!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I personally love a good story involving vampires, so go ahead! Write what you want to write about!. If you do decide to get it published, someone is bound to buy it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nooooooo!.!.!.!.!. ppl are stupid!. u should definetly write about vampires!. like Twilight series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you wanna write it then write and dont post yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly you should write about anything you want!. If you like vampires and wizardry and stuff like that, then go for it !. Dont let other people put you down and keep you from writing!. There are tons of writers who have written about vampires and romance and yet people dont bash them!. No one is telling them to read you material!. At least you have the guts to put up your stories and share them with us!. There is also lots of hype for the twilight series [B!.D out aug 2!!] and Harry potter so theres bound to be people who are gonna hate and judge them and storieslike it!.!.

Personally, your writing could use some work in the grammar department but other than that i would love to read more from you!.Try to advance you vocabluary as well!.

i read the first part of Date From Hell and i liked it!. You should keep writing!. i was also a little confused since you posted two different parts for the first paragraph of your novel!. try sticking to one!. i know its hard since you have so many ideas but just pick your favorite and leave the rest for your second novel!. You should try doing short stories!. they seem perfect for you to do if you have many ideas!.

I'd love to read what happens in Date From Hell!!!
keep writing!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com