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Question: Sylvia plath's daddy!?
can someone explain sylvia plath's daddy for me!? it would be really nice if you would explain it by stanzas!. i need it for my report!. thanks!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
great poem!. it's about how Plath realizes her father's domineering control only after his death and then is controlled in the same way by her husband when she is an adult!.

I don't want to type out a full analysis so,

a stanza- breakdown is at http://poetry!.suite101!.com/article!.cfm/p!.!.!.

more info at:

but I wouldn't reccomend copying them word-for word!.!.!. plaigarism would be pretty obvious- they can be found on google searches, then again, so can Y!A pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com