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Question: What are the developments in the plot that keep you interested in the Lord of the rings two towers!?
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Here is the summary: (SPOILERS)

1!. Frodo and Sam run into Gollum, who swears "on the Precious" to serve "Master" (Frodo) and guide him to the Black Gate!. Sam doesn't trust him but Frodo pities him and Gollum abates his addiction somewhat under Frodo's wholesome influence!. His addiction, however, and his other self, come back when he believes his Master has betrayed him!. Leading them to Shelob, a vicious fight ensues, where Sam takes the Ring to keep it safe, and Frodo is captured, unconcious!.
2!. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli continue their Orc-hunt, meeting with Eomer and some Rohan Riders who give them the information that they have slain a horde of Orcs!. Devastated, they follow the Hobbits' tracks into Fangorn, where Merry and Pippen escaped to!. Merry and Pippen get picked up by a tree-herder, a Ent, who, furious at Saruman's irreverant treatment of Fangorn, calls a council of war, where war is agreed upon by the Ents!. Aragorn and his crew run into (SPOILER) Gandalf who is now a White Wizard!. They cast Saruman out of Theoden, the King of the Mark, and casts out Grima Wormtongue!. Eowyn, White Lady of Rohan, falls in love with Aragorn, who, to his dismay, is unable to return it!. (he promised himself to Arwen) As Rohan is under attack by Isengarders, they flee to Helms Deep, where it's beseiged by Isengarders!. They manage to win the battle and trot over to Isengard to the Tower of Orthanac, where Saruman is!. (The Ents already captured Isengard) They meet Merry and Pippen, and Gandalf casts Saruman from the White Council!. Pippen gets a peep at the Palantir, and him and Gandalf ride to Minas Tirith!. Sorry for such a lengthy summary, I got carried away!.


It was very hard to stay interested in this book! I really enjoyed the Fellowship, but the first time I went through these books, I stopped half way through the Two Towers!. A few years later, I took a class on Tolkien in college so I had to read through to the end!. It was tough and it's been a few more years, but I remember liking the parts in Rohan!. I can't remember for sure if this happened in the Two Towers or not, but I really loved meeting the Ents!. I'll have to reread them all one of these days!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM (LOTRO), players can customize certain elements of the game's user interface (UI), also known as "skinning!." While we don't allow you to do a full-scale UI replacement, we do give you the ability to replace selected visual elements of the UI!. (A full list of these elements and their sizes is provided at the end of this overview!.)

This is an updated (and prettied up) version of the information that had originally been posted in their Beta forums which we had copied to our Developer Discussions - Tutorials & Other Helpful Information forum!. It is a combination of the Skinning the LOTRO UI and Art Assets posts!.

I haven't read LOTR in ages, so my info may not be entirely correct!. Here goes:
1!. Frodo and Sam come across Gollum, where they are guided to Mordor!. This tests the two hobbits in a great way because they are forced to trust Gollum, otherwise they're doomed!.
2!. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli let Frodo go and choose to go after the Uruks that kidnapped Merry and Pippin to try and save them!. Then they go to Rohan where the battle of Helm's Deep comes to pass!.

There's a lot more conflict and struggle in this novel because the Fellowship's quest becomes increasingly difficult and they encounter many "bumps" along the way!.


Everything in the book except for some long winded portions involving Frodo and Sam's journey to Mt!.Doom!. I pretty much loved all of it, particularly anything involving the Rohirrim, and let's not forget the Battle of the Hornburg at Helm's Deep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com