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Question: Harry Potter mistake!.!.!.!?!?!?!?
In Harry Potter Book 6 Dumbledore dies (obviously) but we are told, at his death, the charm he had placed on Harry to keep him from moving lifted!. Yet throughout the books there are many charms which remain unlifted despite the death of the caster!.
Some Examples are like The charm Mad Eye had on Grimwald Place to scare Snape off
or he “permanently sticking” charms in Grimwald Place!.
I’m sure there are others, this is kind of contradictory isn’t it!? Does anyone have an explanation!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) The anti-Snape charm (the tongue charm) was *spoken* of by Mad-Eye, but any of the Order could have placed it - or, alternately, could have refreshed those spells after Moody's death if Moody was the caster!. I had the distinct impression that those spells (the ones that I saw, anyway) were not set in place until after Moody's death - which is why the spell forms a dust "ghost" of Moody! No point in trying to scare Snape with a "ghost" Moody spell cast by a living Moody!

2) The "permanently sticking" charms are just that - permanent!. The "petrificus totalus" hex is not permanent, and can easily be removed not only by the caster, but by any other wizard!.

So, not really contradictory!. It's just that the PT hex is, by its nature, easily ended and non-permanent


part of the fun with fantasy is that you can have fun with
reality and make up your own rules as you go along!.
i found any number of places in book 7 that seemed to me
to contradict a rule as i understood it from previous books!.
the only way i have found is to completely suspend logic as
i understand it and just enjoy!.
i will say that until the last book j k rowling had required less
of this than most other authors i have read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com