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Question: Anybody want to help me title my book!?
The book tells the story of Princess Llewellyn, the heroine in the story!. An unlikely childhood friend, Rook, guides her throughout the novel!. The book opens with Llewellyn’s tenth birthday, the age where in her kingdom she would begin her royal training!. It introduces the main villain, Gerny, although that is unbeknownst to the reader’s at the time!. Llewellyn and Gerny’s fates are intertwined with one another!. A thousand years before, a prophecy was written by a very advanced clan of humans explaining why!. Llewellyn is the only one who can defeat and kill Gerny, preventing him from unleashing a deadly monster called ‘The Guvent’e’ and causing the Dark Era!.

The book is set in fantasy medieval setting!. Any viable names for it!?

also, do you think that's a decent summary for the book!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Delicate Warrior", "Out for Blood", "Savage Inside"!.!.!.

That's a good summary for Yahoo Answer's purposes!. However, if you submit your book to an agent, you should probably eliminate the words" although that is unbeknownst to the readers at the time"!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com