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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think of "The Celestine Prophecy's" NINE INSIGHTS?

Question: What do you think of "The Celestine Prophecy's" NINE INSIGHTS!?
Listed here in this Youtube video:


Or click on "CELESTINE INSIGHTS" to read them on the left side of THIS sight for those of you who can't see videos:


And yes I know there was a movie made on the book too!.!.!.but movies have a way of evolving into a new found story and I haven't seen the movie in fact all I've read are the insights and the book just arrived but I find what people say about this all very fascinating!. Just want your opinions too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very interesting!. All religion is, i think!. Not sure i follow a lot of it, but it's interestin none the less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

GREAT book! I got it on tape!
so there is a video!! GREAT i never seen it and would love to
I really like how they suggest you look for the energy in the mornings!!
Just amazing!
i need to read this book agian it's been a WHILE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

--good luck,!.!., bye,!.,Www@QuestionHome@Com