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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone read the 1st Ch. or BREAKING DAWN?

Question: Anyone read the 1st Ch!. or BREAKING DAWN!?
it took 9 days to finish the 3 books, but im wondering!.!.!.has anyone read the 1st chapter of breaking dawn!?
i dont care if you spoil it!. i love when ppl spoil things, but ppl hate when i spoil them!.haha!.lol
okay, it doesn't matter, just tell me wat happens, or if you know a website where i can read it please send it!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's the summary:

The first chapter, entitled "Engaged", starts off a few days before the wedding while Edward is off hunting!. Bella is driving a new flashy sports car, a Mercedes-Benz s600 Guardian , that Edward has given her because her old '53 Chevy has finally died!. She stops at a gas station where two men admire her car and tell her that the car hasn't been released in the United States or Europe yet!. When she arrives home, Bella stays in her car and uses the cell phone Edward gave her to call Seth Clearwater, the werewolf who has developed a friendship with Edward after their fight with Victoria, to ask how Jacob Black is doing!. Seth tells her that Jacob, who has remained in his wolf form for weeks, is somewhere in Northern Canada and that he is not coming home!. Bella sulks with this knowledge and then has recollections of the night when she told Charlie about her engagement!. When Bella had finally plucked up the courage to tell her father, Charlie automatically assumed Bella was pregnant, and laughed hysterically when he realized how Bella's mother would react!. Bella also notes that she was utterly shocked when her mother also took the news very well and immediately offered to help with the wedding plans!. When Bella comes home Alice is fitting Charlie into his tuxedo for the wedding, and states that it is Bella's turn!. While she is being fitted by Alice, Bella goes to her "happy place" to think about her love for Edward and how wonderful their honeymoon will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OME, you have GOT to read it!. It's a bit down after the epilogue and last chapter of Eclipse but it was totally expected!. Bella is driving--in a Mercedes that Edward just got her, which has four hundred pounds of body armor and missile-proof windows!. She rings up Seth--with whom Edward had made friends with after the Victoria crisis--and asked if Jacob ever showed up!. He didn't and she got depressed!. She thinks back to how Charlie reacted when she told him she and Edward were getting married, to which he had been surprisingly calm--and so was Renee!. Alice shows up with the dress to do the last fitting and Bella goes to her 'happy place' with Edward!. It was very bizarre!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeh ive read it
You could read it on SM's website!.
I dont think it really spoils anything to be honest!. All that happens was Bella was getting ready for the wedding and Edward brought her a new car!.
It said the bit when they tell Charlie theyre engaged but he is cool with it and her mum is really keen on the idea!. Alice and them are helping get ready for the wedding and its only like 3 days away!.
It also says Jacob is away and when Bella phones Seth, who is now friends with her and the Cullens he says that Jake wont be back for the wedding!.
Not much happens but you should read it for yourself because its still good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here is the website in which you can read the first chapter of breaking dawn
this website is the first chapter of twilight through edwards eyes called midnight sun

I have it typed up on word document!.
The entire 1st chapter plus preface and quote!.

E mail me at roxygrl1234@yahoo!.com
If you want me to send it to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's on there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i never read it sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com