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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone else have trouble getting through eclipse?

Question: Anyone else have trouble getting through eclipse!?
like Twillight and New Moon were easy but for sum reason everytime i read Eclipse I'd get so pissed off at the characters especially Bella with her obsession with Edward and becoming a vampire and how little she gave a damn about anyone else or Edward treating Bella like a child telling her who she could be friends with and stuff ugh the only characters i really liked were Jacob, Alice, and Quil there were some i didnt mind like Rosalie, Emmet and Jasper (ect) but really you cant imagine how many times ive wanted to just throw a shoe at Bellas head and hope the hit gives her sum dignity and self respect i kept having to put the book down and breath and relax!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not really, but Bella does tend to annoy me!. And as hot as Edward may be, I don't think all his little fan girls realize that he is kind of an as!.s hole!.!.!.or maybe I'm the only one that realizes that!. Either way, Jacob is better!. Oh, and I HATE the ending of Eclipse!.!.or epilogue or whatever!. It makes me sad!. I still support Bella and Edward and stuff, but I think Jacob is just nicer and less controllingg!.!.!.!. IRL, i would like him!. But i prefer Jasper!. YUP!. (Funny how myy name is Alice!.!.;] )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, I got through it alright, though I wasn't as frustrated with the characters as you were!. Instead, I was more annoyed by the sloooooooooow beginning!. (And middle, plus some of the end, for that matter!.) The story dragged on!.!.!.and on!.!.!.and on!. Plus, it seemed like out of the 600+ pages in the book, only twenty of them contained actual plot!. Note to Stephenie Meyer: The next time you write a novel, pick up the pace, please!. After all, a good book shouldn't make readers feel like they're treading through quicksand while trying to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand what you are saying!. Bella is obsessive!. its like she needs edward like she need her ability to talk!.but imagine what it would be like to see a wrinkled 87 year old bella kissing a 17 year old edward!.!.!.!.!.can you say creepy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had the hardest time getting through New Moon!.
Just because it was really sad!.
There were definately parts where I was mad at the characters but I had no problem finishing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but I have trouble getting through New Moon!.!.!.its sooooo sad, and I can't bere to read about Bella and Jacob!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure!.!.!.i guess I am!.!.!.No!.!.!.I've actually never heard of that ook or anything else!. I like to watch movies instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!.It was my favorite book so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com