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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone get the ending of artemis fowl: the opal deception?

Question: Does anyone get the ending of artemis fowl: the opal deception!?
like how the mud mens experiment to get to the center of earth got stopped and i didnt get the whole missiles part opal koboi fired!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The iron probe would fall through a hole Opal Koboi made and then crush haven but Mulch Diggums stole her truffles and put the charges in a booty box made of stealth ore!.
But when Koboi open the box and the charges blew her ship up and right before her ship blew up she fired the missiles!.
Artemis, Holly, Butler, and Mulch put cooling stuff in the engine rooms to try to get the heat seeking missiles off their tail but the missiles then changed course and fired at Trouble Kelp's shuttle which was nearby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com