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Question: Character names and romantic inspiration!?
I'm writing a book!. I need names for some of characters!. The main male character is the lead character's love interest!. He is the type of person who is laid back and has a good heart!. He portrays himself as one of the guys putting up a tough front which he is he likes to fight people, drink, smoke, etc!. but is nice!.!.he's social but puts up a wall in fear of getting hurt just not by love but by others!. He is based off of a person named Steven!.

The main character's personality is flexible!. She is funny, smart, and extremely well rounded!. She blends in with any crowd and enjoys being social!. She has two "main personalities" one is the funny girl who everyone loves, the other is who she "really is" who is quiet, extremely spritual and likes when people open up and have intimate conversations with her!. She is based off of me, Bri!.

I also need inspiration for their relationship!. Any videos, personal experiences, movies, etc!. I need inspiration from true love, and romance!. I will creditWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry, I can't help you with your story!. But one of the best things you can do to help with that, is to Google Image search places similar to the setting in your head!. It's what I always do, and it helps you picture things!. Then a story will come naturally!.
When naming characters, I like to use the site below, because you can search names by their meanings, thus capturing the essence of the character in their name!. Nobody but you (and obsessed fans who might look it up, if you get published) will know it's there, and that makes it special!. I found that the name often fits the character well, if you search by the meaning!.
Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Def for the male character go for Chad or Shane!.!. i dont knwo why but i picturede reading abotu a character u described and hearing those names!.!.!.

as for the girl you said shes very spirtual try giving her a name based on that maybe!.!.!. augustine ( its different) Elaina!.!.!. i dont know!.!. its hard becus ur basing it about urself pick a name you like!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have an amazing love story!. Email me if you wanna talk about it!.

Shannon is a good name!. Its my fathers name, but i always thought it would be good for a chick!. lol

Tye, for a guy




Sky, or skyler

a great inspirational movie is August rush, 10 things I hate about you, save the last dance, or a walk to remember!. Those really tug at my heartstrings!.

But the true love story!.!.!. I keep with me!. Its just reallly long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the guy: Damien, Zed, Clyde, Sid, Mickey McFinnegan, Rocco Bertinelli (If he's a Wiseguy)

For the girl: Samara, Mollie, Sadie, Casey, Audrey and others that escape me at the momentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ian & Sheridan !?
Jordan & Samara!?
Clay & Victoria!?

Male character sounds like Richard Gere from Officer and a Gentleman!. Female kind of reminds me of Kirsten in Marie Antoinette!. Very outgoing but hurting inside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not sure about the guy, but for the girl, her name should be heidi!. i don't know why, but that was the first name that popped up in my head for some reason!. i've never really been in love, but you should base it off of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Brick and Steffani, reverse them!.
Brick or Broderick is the male!.
(But not Stephanie, Steh fah neh)
and I hope she laughs a lot throughout the whole book,
cozzi I think that would be pretty fah neh!.!.!.

I also agree with Shane for the guy's name, and for the girl, I actually think you should go with your name, Bri!. Or you could find a random name generator and go from that!.
Hope it helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Girl names:

Guy names:

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is funny, the male's name that first popped in may head was Steve!. Brian or Jeff is good too!. The girl's name I thought of was Bridget!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with the person who said shane for the male, and the female could be, maybee,

or maria!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol the male character reminds me of my boyfriend, Parker Ryan (Ryan is his middle name)!. And I just think the name suits him soo well, and it's not very common either!. So yeah, there is one idea that you can maybe use!.

And then for the girl, I like the name Anelisse Jordyn!. I don't know if you do, but I think it goes well for what you described!.

And as far as personal experiences go, I only really know one really cute example that happened to me with Parker!.

He always seemed basically like the little rebel and all of that stuff!. But no one, not even me, knew that he was amaaazing at the piano!. So on our 2 year anniversary, he asked me to come over cause he had a surprise for me!. And then when I went there, he had set up a picnic infront of his house (he has a huge front yard) and then he had his huge piano out on his driveway!! He played me a song, and surprised the crap out of me cause I had no idea!. He was amazing!. This was the song: http://uk!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=dz602yaoCs!.!.!.

The most beautiful song I've ever heard!. He plays it exactly like that too!.
And we just had an amazing time that day!.

We are still dating to this day!. We have been together for four years!. He goes to a university up north, and the long distance thing is hard, but he visits me once a month even though he travels by plane!. It's difficult but we make it work!. I guess that's true love!.!.!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

For a boy, name him Evan, and the girl!? Kaitlin or Lera!.
They could fall in love gradually!.
At first, Evan could be a little too irresponsible for people like the main character, since she is perfect and he is!.!.!.not AS perfect!.
They can meet on the streets at night, while it's cold, and the main is freezing!. Evan could be walking by, and he sees her shivering, so he follows her quietly, and she gets upset after a while and demands he stops!. He then offers her his coat, but she denies and walks home, freezing!.
A month later, the 2 could meet again, only this time, she could be in DIRE need of help!. Since she seems like a good person, maybe she could be painting a roof of something, and shes dangling from the edge, with no ladder or anything!. Evan sees her nearby, and remembers her because of her beauty, since he is love struck when he sees her!.
She's screaming, and he comes over asking if she needs help!. She recognizes his voice, and at first, she denies it, but when her hand slips, she falls, but he catches her!. She then thanks him, tells him she owes him, and he walks away, smiling!.
They meet again, only sooner, at a writing course or something, and they both see that their stories they're writing are so similar, and they tell each other they're basing their stories off of their real life experiences!. They then write a story together, basing it on their relationship as they grow closer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm well i really like to write too so when im writing the first thing i do is figure out the main problem!. i love to read and write romance so i try to figure out as well what brings the two characters together and what the relationship might be like!. for the male character the name "Anthony" immediately comes to mind!. For the female character i think of something sweet kind of soft but something with a little edge because even with names i try too give the reader the most vivid image of the character as possible!. Alissa, Ellen, Elle, Selina, Casey, even try a boys name like Charlie!. Good luck! I hope this helps!! and when you finish the book i want to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com