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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How much should I sell a complete set of encyclopedias?

Question: How much should I sell a complete set of encyclopedias!?
I am going to have a yard sale this weekend, and I have these encyclopedias from 1976!. With them are year books and science year books dating from 1976 to 1995!. What's a good price to sell these!? There are many of these books and as much as I want to get rid of them, they have "some" sentimental value as well!. These are World Book Encyclopedias!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before coming up with a price you should consider the following:
1!. Your encyclopedia set is outdated!.
2!. Information is more readily available and up-to-date on the Internet so make the price appealing if you have a potential buyer!.
3!. The condition of your encyclopedia set!.
$10!.00 for the whole set, sounds reasonable to me but then again, consider those 3 things that I stated before coming up with your final price!.
Have a good yard sale :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'd be lucky at this point to sell them to a place who does books by the yard!. The books are 13 years out of date, and nearly all encyclopedias have been replaced with webversions during that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At that age 50% of the material is outdated or wrong!. I don't think they are worth much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com