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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I ordered breaking dawn by amazon with the standard shipping, will i get it the

Question: I ordered breaking dawn by amazon with the standard shipping, will i get it the day of its release!?
breaking dawn come out 8/02/08 so if not on the release date, when!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my experience (from Amazon UK but I suspect it's the same in other countries) when you order a book before publication (pre-order) you tend to receive it a few days ahead of the actual publication date (with standard shipping)!.

Stock from the publisher tends to reach Amazon's warehouses a couple of weeks in advance giving it time to go through the system smoothly!. Really, it's only when something is as big as Harry Potter that its distribution is embargoed so it can't be sent out until the day before publication day, but even then I've always had copies on the day itself!.

I hope it arrives swiftly and you find yourself reading it before anyone else!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did the same but I live overseas so have to wait like a month for shipping :( Anyway it should say track item or something like that on the page of your account and it will say when it is being shipped and when it will arrive!.

Can't wait :DWww@QuestionHome@Com