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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Suggestions before I begin my version of the "Great American Novel" LO

Question: Suggestions before I begin my version of the "Great American Novel" LOL!?
I've been told since 9th grade that I have a flair for writing!. My business letters are well composed, to the point, always gets results!. also, did rathar well at writing poetry (quit doing that by the time I was 21 because I was going crazy with poems popping into my head as I was driving down the road, just falling asleep, etc!. etc!.) so I'd have to polish that up again!.

Needless to say, I'd like to begin to do what friends and coworkers have been bugging me to do!. What words of wisdom can you share!? Where do you start (after the document is done)!. I admire the style of Charles Dickens, so I will study his technique!. I've been told to stick with what I know from life experience!.!.then go from there!. What types of novels do well!? Which publishing firms are the most open to new novelists!? Softwares out there to help!? Classes!?

Thanks for your insite!
071608 7:00Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Looks like you have two questions to re-post since they got caught up in the 4+ hour freeze of Yahoo Answers!.!.!.!.
